Release: May 19, 2000

Theatrical technology has been enhanced even further by utilizing CG-animated characters on the live-action plate backdrop, and Disney was the first to achieve it with this imaginary prehistoric movie. 12 years of development leads into a $100m production (which was very expansive of its time). While a dinosaur-related computer-animated film had been contemplated for over a decade, the film finally went into production when it did, as "the technology to produce the stunning visual effects" had come about. The CGI effects are coupled with "real-world backdrops to create a 'photo-realistic' look". The crew went all around the world, in order to "record dramatic nature backgrounds" for the film, which were then "blended with the computer-animated dinosaurs". The concept for the film was originally conceived by Paul Verhoeven and Phil Tippett in 1988 and was pitched as a stop-motion animated film with the title Dinosaurs. The film's original main protagonist was a Styracosaurus and the main antagonist was originally a Tyrannosaurus Rex. The film was originally going to be much darker and violent in tone and would end with the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event, which would ultimately result in the deaths of the film's characters. Paul Verhoeven and Phil Tippett pitched the idea to Disney, only to have the idea shelved away with the onset of the Disney Renaissance until the mid-1990s Ralph Zondag and Eric Leighton directs from an adaptation by John Harrison and Robert Nelson Jacobs; Co-Story by story director Thom Enriquez and Zondag; Based on an original screenplay by Walon Green. Produced by Pam Marsden. Music by James Newton Howard; Executive Music Producer: Chris Montan • Soundtrack on Walt Disney Records. Produced for Walt Disney Pictures by TheSecretLab.

Yar: "Yep. You're your father's son, all right"
Added By: funguy10
Aladar: "Hey ladies, look at what just pulled into town! Your buffet table of love!"
Added By: funguy10
Zini: "Hey, look what I found! New neighbors! Any of you ladies up for a game of "monkey in the middle"?"
Added By: funguy10
Zini: "I believe you left a wake-up call for the dawn of time."
Added By: funguy10
Pilo: "Our new home..."
Added By: funguy10
Pilo: "None of knows what changes, big or small, lie ahead. One thing is certain - our journey's not over. We can only hope that in some small way our time here will be remembered."
Added By: funguy10
Eema: "Walkin' backwards, huh? Well, let me know if that gets you there any faster. Keep those little legs moving earl, or you'll get left behind."
Added By: funguy10
Zini: "This "monster"'s got no teeth! What's he gonna do? Gum us to death?"
Pilo: "Zini, come on: look at that sweet little face. Does that look like a monster to you?"
Added By: funguy10
Baylene: "Oh, joy. Blisters!"
Eema: "I got blisters ON my blisters."
Yar: "You don't wanna know where *I* got blisters..."
Added By: funguy10
Neera: "That, children, is what's known as a jerkosaurus."
Added By: funguy10
Pilo: "Some things start out big, and some things start out small, very small. But sometimes the smallest thing can make the biggest changes of all."
Added By: funguy10
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