Blackshadow's Avatar
367 Posts
18 years, 2 months ago
This is my art. :3

If my style looks familiar, it's cause I've posted my art here before, under my old name CN5. But I never got around to re-validating my old account so I rejoined. XD

KK, onto the art!

These are all my characters BTW

This is my character Charlotte. It started as a random colored-pencil doodle and ended up as a 2-day project in Photoshop. Not too bad considering I don't draw girls much.

This is Ace looking scary. Done in colored pencil.

Another char Damien. This pic's old but I still like it. Only thing is he's too skinny...Done completely in Photoshop with my tablet.

Another older pic. My char Alex. Colored pencil again with a little marker.

...yeah, and there's more at my Deviantart:

...and my Sheezyart:

So yeah. I'll post more when I get out of my slump...
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