14 Posts
18 years, 3 months ago
This thread, within the parameters of the Video Game forum, in intended to be a discussion on Arcades. While I am specifically talking about those of the 1980's (the good times), any discussion regarding Arcade's in general is welcome here.

To say that I have nothing but fond memories of the 1980's and the arcades of those time would be an understatement. The Noise, the atmosphere, they were just some great times. It sucks that almost every arcade I grew up playing at has gone out of business (damn home consoles), but man...the onest hat are left I still try to frequent to keep the business alive. Most of them are doing pretty well, financially I think.

Growing up in SoCal, i am pleased to say that Camelot, a GolfN'Stuff kinda place, still lives off the 91 freeway and Tustin in Anaheim California. While most of the games are from the 90's, there is still plenty of stuff there to keep one occupied.
    18 years, 3 months ago
    Oh man! I have EXTREMELY fond memories on one arcade thnat used to be in the mall. It was called Diamond Jim's and the place was awesome. It really wasn't all that big, but it always had the latest games in the 90s. I remember people being crowded around the Daytona USA, Tekken, And Mortal Kombat machines. They had big screens for the fighting games sometimes, and those always drew crowds. My personal favorite was always Daytona USA....ROLLING START! hahaha. You could go in there, give the ticket guy ten bucks, and you'd get a little bag of tokens (ten dollar's worth). I've still got some of those little cloth bags with the drawstrings at the top of them. Dimebags! haha
    But, now, some stupid urban-clothing shop has taken it's place. Such a pity.
    Long live Diamond Jim's!
    Deftones = greatest band ever.
      rirotostichi's Avatar
      1841 Posts
      18 years, 3 months ago
      Arcades are BRILLIANT places where videogames can be played;

      Street Fighter
      Mortal Kombat
      Virtua Fighter
      Point Blank
      Neo Geo

      and many more!
        315 Posts
        18 years, 3 months ago
        I loved some of the arcade games they had around here. I always played House of the Dead, the Mortal Kombat, and Primal rage. the most.
        Are we in Africa?
          ducktalesfan1977's Avatar
          18 years, 2 months ago
          Fond memories of spending tons of money at the arcades! I think I spent like $5 there at one time. I loved to play Pac-Man and tons of others. I miss those days. I used to spend hours there on Saturdays.
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