Yup ya gotta think.
NES: Would sue em.
Xbox: would sue em.
Playstation: Um dont know if they could.lol But there game developers would!!
Sega: Defintly would.
Atari: I aint sure... They might!
So yea, if they could some how get legal permistion from every game developer, and every console maker, as well as get the patent rights for the cartridge reciever technology, and the rights to use the D pad, among other various copy rights, they MIGHT be able to do it, but in the end it would still end up costing more then the system would be worth.lol
On the EMU idea thou: I dont see why do that, I got my computer hooked up to my tv so to me when I play a EMU on full screen it looks exactly the same (Some times even BETTER!) as if I were using a console.lol
Oh lets not forget it would either have to have some way of converting memory card saves onto a HD, or it would have to have seperate ports for all the various type of memory cards.lol
What system was it that used a punch out card system for saved worlds??
Came with like ten cards that had holes in it and you had to slide one in if you wanted to start from a certain world..It wasnt really a save since you could start from any world without even playing a previous one..but yea.. I cant recall it..*mumbles and thumps head on desk.* It was really ancient I only know of it from talking to a old old friend of mine who used to work in a computer bank room.lol Yea back in the days where a computer literatly took up a twenty foot by twenty foot room with a eight foot high cieling, every wall was the computer, and in the center was more... Lil lights would blink, and if you wanted to make calculations you had a huge box that held twenty or more metal cards that had holes punched in them simply to tell the computer. "Yea I want you to start calculating first, now then here is this card that tells you that I want you to calculate two numbers, this card says what the first number is, this one the second number, this one says ok start, and this one here is just cause I feel like it>" LOL