millerman1983's Avatar
18 years ago
There were only a couple games that honestly gave me a weird feeling of emotion and connection with it, yet I don't know what it was that brought me to it. The main one I can recall was Blaster Master... maybe it was the story/intro, or the soundtrack... or perhaps a combo. Nevertheless, it touched me.
    adventure_of_link's Avatar
    18 years ago
    moved to video games
      79987 Posts
      18 years ago
      Crysalis, that game owned, I was sad when it ended.
        79987 Posts
        18 years ago
        Crysalis, that game owned, I was sad when it ended.

        I need to do that someday.

        I always thought some of the later stages of Blaster Master were creepy.

        By the way, cool avatar. Unico rocks!
          79987 Posts
          18 years ago

          Blaster master was just a depressing game over all for some reason, but I play it to this day.
            79987 Posts
            18 years ago

            Blaster master was just a depressing game over all for some reason, but I play it to this day.

            I think it's probably "depressing" because even with all you go through, you still have to kill your frog.
              the-micro-man's Avatar
              3492 Posts
              18 years ago
              Mega Man 2's Ending was pretty touching, as well as Mega Man 4 and 5 for Gameboy.
                FilmationGirl's Avatar
                209 Posts
                18 years ago
                I think Shadow Hearts Covenant really pulled my heart and senses into the storyline that time around.
                  SharonTheJedi's Avatar
                  317 Posts
                  18 years ago
                  At first I didn't think I had anything but then I remembered..

                  Friday the 13th

                  The music when you are in the cabins gave me a feeling of being alone.. And also when the sunset came, that made me feel like I was out chasing Jason by myself.. I can still kind of feel it now just thinking about it.. I totally know what you mean.
                    PoopsMcGee's Avatar
                    473 Posts
                    18 years ago
                    A game ending that was kinda depressing was the ending to Half-Life (PC). I mean you were there, then the dude with the brief-case, and *POOF* the game is over. It was like, yes I owned the game, then the end came and it was so sudden.
                      79987 Posts
                      18 years ago
                      Ummm, guys?

                      The topic is emotionally touching *N.E.S.* games. So why are people listing Shadow Hearts Covenant and Half-Life, neither of which ever appeared on the NES system?
                        PoopsMcGee's Avatar
                        473 Posts
                        18 years ago
                        Thanks for that dude, yeah I would have to say an NES game that was touching for me was Kid Kool. I think I beat that game a couple of times, and I would never do it on time, and the royalty would die. :cry:
                          FilmationGirl's Avatar
                          209 Posts
                          18 years ago
                          Whoops myself. Holy Cow, I compeltely forgot about seeing N.E.S. in the thread title. :oops: "Finds the neartest rock to crawl undeR*
                            3 Posts
                            18 years ago
                            I felt like that when i reached the end of links awakening for the nintendo game boy ( old green and yellow handheld). I think that i played it all the time for like 4 months until finally beating it.
                              18 years ago
                              I have 3 games in mind:

                              1. Dragon Warrior 4
                              2. Final Fantasy 1
                              3. Star Tropics
                                millerman1983's Avatar
                                18 years ago
                                I felt like that when i reached the end of links awakening for the nintendo game boy ( old green and yellow handheld). I think that i played it all the time for like 4 months until finally beating it.

                                Wow, good call man. That is the number 2 game I would have added to my list. That's so weird you say that, I actually got chills when I read it. I re-beat that game at least 4 or 5 times and it was just as effective. I took that game from the O.G. Gameboy (as you described) all the way to my Gameboy Pocket. By far my most favorite Gameboy game.
                                  402 Posts
                                  18 years ago
                                  Is this limited to just one system?

                                  I got an old Super Nintendo in early 2005 and played a game on it called Dr. Mario on it quite often. The game was sort of like Tetris. When I was addicted to this Tetris-like game, I was going through an intense period of my life in which I was a second semester high school senior. Every day was precious to me, as I loved high school. Special people were in my life at that time and one in particular touched me in so many ways.

                                  Why does this relate to the game? The sounds in the game made me think of this person for some reason. I don't know why there was a connection--she wasn't even a video game player--but it happened. I could picture her every time I heard the menu select music and could think of her and a bunch of my other buddies during the game--I played without the music and only with the little blips you heard when you knocked something out.

                                  I haven't played since I was in high school. It just doesn't feel right to go near that game, let alone play it. I think it's sort of like a message in a bottle almost, if you get my drift.

                                  I also will not open my "3 in Three" for Mac saved game that I was working on during those last few weeks of high school. I started over last year after mothballing the game for a while. "3 in Three" I can play, but "Dr. Mario" I cannot. Unless there is some awesome circumstance in which a bunch of people I know are together with me again in the same place at the same time for an extended time again, I probably will never be able to play this game again.
                                    Mad-Mike's Avatar
                                    539 Posts
                                    18 years ago
                                    Dragon Warrior IV definatley, that was probably one of the best storylines and interactions with on the NES ever created. I'm still hunting down a DW4 cartridge so I can play through it again.

                                    On the SNES it was Illusion of Gaia, that's probably the most moving and well set out RPG storyline I've ever played.
                                      millerman1983's Avatar
                                      18 years ago
                                      The sounds in the game made me think of this person for some reason. I don't know why there was a connection--she wasn't even a video game player--but it happened. I could picture her every time I heard the menu select music and could think of her and a bunch of my other buddies during the game--I played without the music and only with the little blips you heard when you knocked something out.

                                      Wow MacPlus512, I've never associated a game noise with a person. But man, that has to be one of the coolest stories i have ever heard regarding video games and crushes. That's the kind of thing you tell this girl when you see her 25 years down the road in front of a fountain at midnight in New York just before you say "I Love You". Cliché much?
                                        bat0h0lic's Avatar
                                        240 Posts
                                        18 years ago
                                        My younger brother says "Sweet Home" that game was scary, and emotional.
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