674 Posts
17 years, 11 months ago
Does anyone know if the characters from Final Fantasy I actually have real names (like FF2, FF3, FF6, ect.) do? If not, what are the best names for a Red Mage, Black Mage, White Mage, and Warrior? Here are my names for my characters:
Red Mage- Argus
Black Mage- Zok
White Mage- Jenica
Warrior- Leo
    FilmationGirl's Avatar
    209 Posts
    17 years, 11 months ago
    I've been playing FF 1 and you only have the option of naming your characters in four letters.
      674 Posts
      17 years, 11 months ago
      FF dawn of souls lets you enter the names with more than 4 letters, if thats what you wanted to know
        Video_Jukebox's Avatar
        1068 Posts
        17 years, 11 months ago
        The original had only four letters, though. Over the years, my brother and I came up with all sorts of variations:

        KIRK SPOK BNES SCOT (Star Trek)

        HNRY TOMY JIMY PALY (Goodfellas)

        ALEX DIM PETE GRGE (A Clockwork Orange)

        RNGO PAUL GRGE JOHN (Beatles; we had ones for R.E.M. and the Who, too)
        "Preserving the old ways from being abused,
        Protecting the new ways for me and for you.
        What more can we do?"
        --The Kinks, "Village Green Preservation Society"
          LCDSCREEN's Avatar
          34 Posts
          17 years, 11 months ago
          The four letter limit had to be my FAVOURITE part about naming them. I could never figure out a really serious name for anyone, so I would usually just give them something idiotic. :P
          My current team (On the NES version, still playing through it) is:
          Fighter: Buff
          Fighter: Biff
          Monk: Tuff
          Monk: Tits

          Teehee, I always name SOMEONE in as RPG Tits. :P

          I also had a Black mage named Shaq in a previous file.
            12 Posts
            17 years, 11 months ago
            Don't forget the best one: FUCK :eek:
              mr3urious's Avatar
              3356 Posts
              17 years, 11 months ago
              Don't forget the best one: FUCK :eek:

              Please change your screen name. I find it offensive.

              "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I'm not." -Kurt Cobain
                Shot_King's Avatar
                617 Posts
                17 years, 11 months ago
                None that I know of. Its left up to the players choice of what they will be called. Its not like later FF titles where you can accept the default name (Cloud, Squal, Tidus, etc) or choose another for the fun of it. FF1 on the NES just had 4 letters you could pick either due to either limitations of the NES, or perhaps just lazy translators/programmers working on the Americanization of FF1. It was like that to began with because the Japanese language only required a small amount of space to keep the logographs in.
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