Pokejedservo's Avatar
71 Posts
17 years, 8 months ago
Its been said that Mortal Kombat Armaggedon will not the be the final MK game ever. But the thing is that Midway will be starting things all over again in the next MK game. So in another words instead of making a sequel to MKA they are just starting all over again in the next MK title.

Which other older game series' do you think should follow suit? What good can potentially come from starting a series all over again? There are certain reasons, one of them for example is storyline. Has there been any VG series' in which you felt that the storyline has gone way too convoluted? Or too overly simplistic and plot-hole ridden?

Though gameplay can also be a valid reason, any series in which the companies seem to have really lost their way in delivering a good gameplay engine anymore? Lesser known old series' can potentially work as well too.

As for what I would pick I can probably name several but there are those that really come to mind like Street Fighter (and do a bit more with how it connects with the likes of Final Fight and such). But still which game series' could probably really go for a nice fresh start-over?
Behind the Voice, the 1st visual guide to Voice Actors

    Luna2's Avatar
    384 Posts
    17 years, 8 months ago
    id say ghost busters and castlevania. i think a fresh start afew good ideas and todays systems could make them great games!
      mikee_kid12's Avatar
      640 Posts
      17 years, 8 months ago
      I would love to see Gex the Gecko return, he's been missing in action for quite some time; poor little pop culture wise-ass was always getting stuck in the media dimension. Now the gameplay and can center around not only all the recent tv hype, but the internet as well.

      Mature games keep on reaching new heights, and Gex barley got to tap into the genre, in that sense there will always be a lot of ground for the little lizard to cover; since he's integrated into the same culture as we are. Fans were given a little taste and always wanted more.
        Jesus_crysus's Avatar
        1260 Posts
        17 years, 8 months ago
        super mario alot of the new games r so gay like mario sunshine and the new mario game galaxy for the wii
        mario as went from being so cool to an i dont care anymore type character

          mr3urious's Avatar
          3356 Posts
          17 years, 8 months ago
          super mario alot of the new games r so gay like mario sunshine and the new mario game galaxy for the wii
          mario as went from being so cool to an i dont care anymore type character

          Approximately how old are you? Calling someone or something "gay" out of context is stupid and immature.

          "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I'm not." -Kurt Cobain
            adventure_of_link's Avatar
            17 years, 8 months ago
            And it is also being homophobic.

            Which is against the rules.

            Cool it. NOW.
              RomanianDaci's Avatar
              147 Posts
              17 years, 8 months ago
              I dont think any classic fighting games like Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat should do that (even though MK is) because it has all the characters we know and love. I dont think the creators have enough good ideas to remake legendary characters so why bother? If I had to choose a game for that to happen to though, itd be Captain Commando. Bring it into our age of gameplay with new features and characters, but keep the classic guys as well, except for Baby machine or whatever his name was.

              I would love to see Gex the Gecko return, he's been missing in action for quite some time; poor little pop culture wise-ass was always getting stuck in the media dimension. Now the gameplay and can center around not only all the recent tv hype, but the internet as well.

              Mature games keep on reaching new heights, and Gex barley got to tap into the genre, in that sense there will always be a lot of ground for the little lizard to cover; since he's integrated into the same culture as we are. Fans were given a little taste and always wanted more.

              And dude you just reminded me of a game that I loved when I was younger. I cant believe I forgot about it, thanks for reminding me. That would be a great game to remake.
              Impaling the Magyar usurper
                mr3urious's Avatar
                3356 Posts
                17 years, 8 months ago
                Capcom should also get Bionic Commando should also get a fresh new 3D sequel for the Wii. Move around w/ the nunchuck stick (and also use it to aim and fire your bionic arm), and aim & fire your weapon w/ the Wiimote. These controls would be default, but you can change them in the options menu. Ladd (the soldier's name) should also keep his trademarks, such as his spiky 'do and shades. And Ladd should STILL lack the ability to jump, in order to keep w/ the spirit of the old games.

                "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I'm not." -Kurt Cobain
                  shinestar's Avatar
                  143 Posts
                  17 years, 8 months ago
                  maybe the donkey kong contry series would be an idea
                  wii would like to play
                  shinestar is back!
                    39 Posts
                    17 years, 8 months ago
                    I'd love to see a new Kid Icarus game!
                      84 Posts
                      17 years, 8 months ago
                      I would like to see Shenmue III
                        Predaking's Avatar
                        920 Posts
                        17 years, 8 months ago
                        A new MediEvil, Kid Icarus, Bonk's Adventure, Ikari Warriors (FPs) and a new Weapon Lord fighting game in 3d.
                          84 Posts
                          17 years, 8 months ago
                          Weaponlord was a very underrated fighting game.
                            Pokejedservo's Avatar
                            71 Posts
                            17 years, 8 months ago
                            Here is in a way a bit of a take on Super Mario Bros that I would like to make as some sort of Action RPG or something like that. Hope you guys like it...

                            The game starts out as there is a rather bit of a panic as the escaped gorilla named "Donkey Kong" has grabbed a young woman by the name of Pauline on top of a Skyscraper that was being worked on. However she ended up to be the girlfriend of one of the carpenters whom was working there namely Mario. The authorities try to find ways to calm the savage beast but they had a difficult time finding out what would be the best thing to do since DK was high up in a skyscraper project but Mario wanted to take things in his own hands. He found a hammer nearby and went his way up to the top to battle with the immense ape to save his girlfriend Pauline. The battle was difficult but he managed to pull it off.

                            Almost a couple of years later Mario's younger brother Luigi comes home from College to be with Mario in the family business of Plumbing. While Mario had nothing against construction work, he was glad on how after he solved the crisis of Donkey Kong running loose in New York he was rewarded handsomely for his efforts. He and Pauline were able to get a new home as Mario's new office namely of the "Mario Bros. Plumbing". Luigi was genuinely happy to hear how successful his older brother has became. Though he also playfully teased Mario on how when will Mario and Pauline make him an uncle lets just say. But still all joking aside Mario and Luigi get started on their first plumbing job together down in the Brooklyn sewers.

                            Back at the Mario Bros. Plumbing office, the brothers told Pauline about it. Then Mario decided that he and Luigi should try to find out what they can do about these strange creatures and stop if they have anythign hostile planned. Luigi was reluctant about it at first but Mario convinced to go along with it as Mario reminded Luigi on how he has fared worse. Pauline wanted to help them too. Mario refused at first, but she convinced him that she would be much safer with them then by herself. Especially if that certain Gorilla wants to come back for revenge. And so our stalwart heroic trio heads into the sewers in which they very soon had to defend themselves from those strange creature the Bros saw earlier.

                            They fought their way through the hordes of those strange creatures until they found a pecuiliar large green pipe. It felt strange but trying to go inside might help them find out where these things came from. They went into the pipe and they saw a amazing but odd new world on the other side. And as they try to figure where are they, they were greeted by a small bunch of short people with Mushroom hats. These "Mushroom People" questioned who they are an how they came here. And they promptly told them how which got the Mushroom people to be overjoyed. For they seem to have found the people who could be their saviours. They explained that those creatures were the minions of a being by the name of King Bowser Koopa. An immense fire-breathing Dragon/Turtle whom is also adept in the dark arts of Magic in which he and his minions were out to conquer the Mushroom Kingdom as they have Princess Toadstoll and many of their fellow Mushroom People captured.

                            Mario announced to them that he will be happy to fight off the Koopa army with help from his associates. Luigi severely questioned Mario's sanity over taking on a large fire-breathing beast like that. But Mario and Pauline convinces him that it would be for the best as how it wouldn't be nice to turn their backs on these poor people. Besides this King Koopa seems that he is also intrested in conquering New York and maybe even the world and we can't have that now can we? The elder that is with that group of Mushroom people namely Toadsworth sweetens the deal by telling them that there are magical items that can help these worthy combatants in their fight against Koopa's evil like Super Mushrooms and Fire Flowers and the like. So it was decided that these 3 shall now save the Mushroom Kingdom.

                            Over the course of the game you go through several areas fighting off King Koopa's soldiers. There are plenty of relatively small buildings that are shelters for the Mushroom Kingdom citizens whom are trying to be safe from King Koopa's Wrath. They pretty much serve as places where our heroes can rest, get supplies and talk with the people as they are convinced that maybe they have some hope in havign peace. However they must go through the castles and clear them out of King Koopa's fire traps and stronger minions such as large Mechakoopas and the like. Each castle with have different evil minions to battle and when you won the fight in them they are populated by the good people of the MK again. The game gets harder as Koopa starts to take you more seriously especially when you eventually take him on and defeat him to save the Kingdom.

                            There are plenty of potential secrets to find and during after you claim the
                            Behind the Voice, the 1st visual guide to Voice Actors

                              666metalhead666's Avatar
                              17 years, 8 months ago
                              i want a new megaman legends. i mean, i dont even know what happens to megaman. hes still stuck in the sky.
                                Cambion's Avatar
                                335 Posts
                                17 years, 8 months ago
                                I want to see a Super Smash Bros.-style Sonic fighting game, and have some of the other Sonic Team characters (NiGHTS, Ulala, Samba de Amigo monkey, etc.) be unlockables. That would make my life complete XD.
                                  Jesus_crysus's Avatar
                                  1260 Posts
                                  17 years, 8 months ago
                                  i want a new megaman legends. i mean, i dont even know what happens to megaman. hes still stuck in the sky.

                                  i loved megaman legends 1 and 2 we do need a 3rd one

                                  JOIN THE REVOLUTION
                                    84 Posts
                                    17 years, 8 months ago
                                    I want to see a Super Smash Bros.-style Sonic fighting game, and have some of the other Sonic Team characters (NiGHTS, Ulala, Samba de Amigo monkey, etc.) be unlockables. That would make my life complete XD.

                                    Or just throw all of them into SSB:Brawl
                                      44 Posts
                                      17 years, 8 months ago
                                      Bionic Commando and Strider. The last strider games they made for the Genesis were awful.
                                        COOLHAND's Avatar
                                        2938 Posts
                                        17 years, 8 months ago
                                        MediEvil...the original on Playstation was da bomb
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