For you who have a Wii, here's info on a new Mario game for Wii only called Super Mario Galaxy. Again, it will be for Wii only, no GBA or DS or GameCube. Like previous 3D Mario games, the main objective is to collect Stars, which are awarded by completing tasks or defeating enemies. The game will have six themed areas, 40 galaxies, and 120 stars to collect.
Here's the link:
That's all well and good but can you still climb a vine to warp to world 7? :D
[Fanboy Nerd Moment]
But it looks completely awesome, Its a tradition for me, I must have a mario game for every nintendo console I own,
I've done this since the nes days. With the nes it was super mario bros. And snes, it was super mario world, N64 and wii, I made sure to grab mario 64 and sunshine, respectively, I cant wait for mario galaxy to be released.
[/Fanboy Nerd Moment]
galaxy looks gay
Yeah I know what you mean ;) I'm just kind of surprised actually that it wasn't developed in time for the Wii lauch, you know? As a "flagship" title or hwatever they're called. Normally a Mario game comes with the two controller packs of Nintendo's consoles, right? I bet that there will be a Mario Galaxy twin controller pack Wii released pretty soon now though. Just in time for Christmas :D
I see what you mean about the pack in's Good old nitty, They where always good for that And I agree , But also releasing mario as its own title rather then making it a launch title with every console or a pack in, Did something for the series that cant be denied.It made it stand out own its own as a game and not just a bonus for buying some console. I think the IP really needed that kind of Image.
This is likely going to be the last ever Mario Game.
Agreed. A million years from now, archeologists will find images of Mario and think that he must have been a god from a major religion...They'll be half right, I guess :D
You get pimp points for that one my friend :cool: