The 360 sales just bumped back up this month after Halo 3 came out. Just like it had a spike after last year when Gears came out then dipped right back down to 200,000 per month and was being consistently outsold by Wii until Halo 3 came out so it'll be interesting to see if this is just a spike of if MS can sustain these sales. More interesting is with Sony releasing a $400 PS3 soon can MS and Nintendo can stay ahead of them? We'll see, I think in 08 Sony is primed to take back the top spot.
There are some things to logically take into account about the 360 and also the ps3.
For beginners. Sony suffers as it does. and is struggling with the ps3. I don't suppose anyone could debate that at the moment.
But lets chat about the 360. While two of the three largest markets for home consoles really dig the 360. The us and europe. Microsoft Is performing miserably in all other regions. In japan the 360 is almost non existent. In france. They are wii fans. In germany, The wii is on top while the 360 trails far far behind. Ultimately only europe and america have accepted the 360 as a true competitor.
Logicly, europe and America are two of the three largest markets for video consoles.But Much like it was with the original. Without world wide acceptance. The 360 will have a hard time securing the top spot world wide. And in honesty. simply will not have the top spot in japan or world wide. As japan views the 360 as in inferior product. as most of the world does outside of america and its brother europe.
Even though america and europe are indeed a good 40 % of the entire worlds pull for video games sales. The rest of the world makes up that other 60 %
The ps3 is moving slowly, And its not just the games here. Sony has ruined it's image and alienated it's fan base, they have been caught buying anonymous respected bloggers world wide, to spoof their products. "as so great Sony fans" They have been caught lying about units sold. and several analysts have been sued by there respective employers for tampering with sales figures to make sony's products look more desirable to the publics eye.
"which is a federal crime. As sales figures directly effect stock quotes"
Sony has been caught with his hand in the preverbal cookie jar. And has completely destroyed the trust of its fan base, Can Sony recover from the PR nightmare Its caused upon itself? No one knows for sure. But Sega couldn't manage to recover.
In truth., when weighing the true pros and cons of this gens console wars. The wii has won and will stay on top. If for no other reason then Microsoft's lack of popularity over seas. and sony's less the reputable tactics. Its fair to say nintendo may have won own its own merits entirely. As microsoft isn't popular over seas and Sony basically self destructed itself.
Still yet nintendo has reaped the benefits of being on top. And has recovered in such a way, they have has such fantastic sales figures since the NES. No not even the super nintendo it's self sold like the wii has been seling. The fact is. Nintendo right now. Is hotter then it was when the Snes ruled the roost. Nintendo is back in prime time. like they Haven't been since their original console.
yes I will admit that The wii doesn't have the graphics of the 360. or the raw power of the ps3. But it does have an affordable price point "and lets be fair. I can afford 600 dollars and so can you, But a lot of the general public feel 600 dollars for a console is neo geo money, thats a taboo price tag"" , The wii has an attractive list of features. and content that for as much as people like to diss what nintendo does. No one will deny. There is no other developer on the planet that has as much talent and quality under one roof as nintendo. Can you put a price on quality?
360s world wide are breaking down with the red ring of death. Deny it if you want, it would do you no good. this is a world wide disaster for microsoft that did effect their image and cost them over a billion dollars, and the problem still isn't corrected.
Check here for proofSony has damaged their selves with underhanded market tactics, alienating their fan base and flat out federal crimes. To be honest. I'm not trying to convince anyone what system is better then the other. The world itself has spoken. And the wii is what it wants.