5908 Posts
16 years, 1 month ago
not sure if this counts as a duplicate...dunno...anyways

imho i dont think it was that great a combination of games but that controller i got is pretty cool and more comfortable. needs something though
    2790 Posts
    16 years, 1 month ago
    Everything you got was cool except for rocker or what ever that stupid game is called.
      789 Posts
      16 years, 1 month ago
      nice find
        5908 Posts
        16 years, 1 month ago
        Everything you got was cool except for rocker or what ever that stupid game is called.

        i guess. its nothing like sly cooper.
          mr3urious's Avatar
          3356 Posts
          16 years, 1 month ago
          Hey, Rocket kicks ass! You oughta try it out, Knuclear!

          "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I'm not." -Kurt Cobain
            5908 Posts
            16 years, 1 month ago
            Hey, Rocket kicks ass! You oughta try it out, Knuclear!

            ...............................................................................boy ur right i shoulda picked it up at the swap meet! gee i wonder how that happend to be in the picture i took @.@
              Drakon's Avatar
              3703 Posts
              16 years, 1 month ago
              Hey, Rocket kicks ass! You oughta try it out, Knuclear!

              ...............................................................................boy ur right i shoulda picked it up at the swap meet! gee i wonder how that happend to be in the picture i took @.@

              he probably realizes this and expects you havn't played it before and recommends that you play your newly acquired copy.
                5908 Posts
                16 years, 1 month ago
                Hey, Rocket kicks ass! You oughta try it out, Knuclear!

                ...............................................................................boy ur right i shoulda picked it up at the swap meet! gee i wonder how that happend to be in the picture i took @.@

                he probably realizes this and expects you havn't played it before and recommends that you play your newly acquired copy.

                believe me, somethign like this i would think id be expected to have played it right away. like i said its nothing like sly cooper, and mischief makers is kinda fun but i expected a beat em up platformer. perfect dark is fun too.
                  cpd2007's Avatar
                  22 Posts
                  16 years, 1 month ago
                  What is that small box in the upper left hand corner that has RCA cables coming out of it and also has some sort of LED number display?

                  not sure if this counts as a duplicate...dunno...anyways

                  imho i dont think it was that great a combination of games but that controller i got is pretty cool and more comfortable. needs something though
                    5908 Posts
                    16 years, 1 month ago
                    What is that small box in the upper left hand corner that has RCA cables coming out of it and also has some sort of LED number display?

                    not sure if this counts as a duplicate...dunno...anyways

                    imho i dont think it was that great a combination of games but that controller i got is pretty cool and more comfortable. needs something though

                    oh that? thats the wireless transmitter for my gaming chair. what i do is plug the Audio RCA cables into the transmitter (with the help of a female doubler thingy) and it wirelessly sends the sound to my chair. the LED is just some synchronizing channel in case of static. like what u set up in a walkie talkie
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