I first heard of the CD-i Zelda games when I was looking on eBay for Zelda products. It looked kind of interesting back then, until I saw it on G4's Filter. Most people went on Filter's website and tried to make it #1, not Filter's staff; however, Filter added it to the list as one of the choices for voters to pick from. Filter only showed the animation sequences and not the Zelda II-like gameplay. Not only they showed the Wand of Gamelon's, but also the Faces of Evil's. Hotel Mario was quite obscure back then, but I first heard of it either on eBay or on TMK.net, while I first saw its animations and gameplay either on YouTube or quebecgaming.net.
YouTube Poop makes me think of YouTube Poop makers thinking in their minds, "die you sob!", especially with Duke Nukem's voice.