So, In area 51 A song is played throught the level. I know the band name its by madcap...But I would like to know what th song is called...If any one has even played it...I dont wanna beat it again and look through the damn credits...
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So, In area 51 A song is played throught the level. I know the band name its by madcap...But I would like to know what th song is called...If any one has even played it...I dont wanna beat it again and look through the damn credits...
I've only played it on pc sorry. This was during my screw console gaming and viva pc gaming period. Since consoles all switched to cd technology and went through a period of not so great systems. Next system I bought after snes was....ps2
actually that's not true I bought a ps1 late in its life but I regretted it. But the ps2 is bitchen
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I've only played it on pc sorry. This was during my screw console gaming and viva pc gaming period. Since consoles all switched to cd technology and went through a period of not so great systems. Next system I bought after snes was....ps2
actually that's not true I bought a ps1 late in its life but I regretted it. But the ps2 is bitchen
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Dr. Applecheeks:"Sorry, boys! One good turn deserves another!"