PirateNinja6's Avatar
2472 Posts
16 years ago
My favorite arcade would be in Tustin Lanes, a local bowling alley.
    REVROCK's Avatar
    18 Posts
    16 years ago
    Gold Mine at Knollwood Mall in St. Louis Park MN (was). May it rest in peace.

    MN State Fair, I think they call it Playland? (current).
      Lottech96's Avatar
      1275 Posts
      16 years ago
      Funcade, But never been there . I wanted to but no. then The Game Room Ocean County Mall. Space Port II/Timeout Hammilton Mall. Harbour Twin's 1st Arcade. then Finally the best is Videodrome arcade in which had a "let" opening from the pizza place. I'll tell you more later.
      Who Want's some BLOGna!!?
      Did you know they'll make a game show out of..
        Drakon's Avatar
        3703 Posts
        16 years ago
        mine closed down
          wire2wire's Avatar
          24 Posts
          16 years ago
          The original arcade in Showbiz Pizza when they first opened up here in Green Bay in the early 80's.

          The Gold Mine, later to be renamed Tilt at Port Plaza Mall downtown.

          Fun N' Games at Bay Park Square Mall in one of the suburbs, the last of the real arcades to close it's doors a few years back now.

          Boy were those good times back then. I'm just glad I got to live through and experience aracades in their true hey day.
          Mrs. Davis: There's a fine line between winning and losing.
          Jay Trotter: Yeah. The finish line.
            UncleBuck_78's Avatar
            13 Posts
            16 years ago
            The arcade in the old colonial plaza mall (now turned into a strip mall) here in Orlando, Fl.
            "That's something ain't it? She falls in a well, eyes go crossed. She gets kicked by a mule, they go back to normal. I don't know." -Randy Quaid, National Lampoons Christmas Vaction
              591 Posts
              16 years ago
              My favorite arcade was called Tilt until they closed it, they now have F.Y.E. there.
                Gemini_Guy's Avatar
                571 Posts
                15 years, 11 months ago
                My favorite arcade was Barcodes in Times Square, my uncle used to do security there, so I'd get to play any game (except the crane after my cousins cleaned it out) for up to 2 hours for free. They closed it eventually and now I don't know what the hell they have in it's place
                  2009 Posts
                  15 years, 11 months ago
                  There's an arcade in Middlesboro Mall in Middlesboro, KY that I like. I usually drop by for a while after having Chinese. I can't remember what it's called, except that the name has Arabian connotations.
                    gumbyman's Avatar
                    2008 Posts
                    15 years, 11 months ago
                    Sunset riders, TMNT and x-men. I think i liked the x-men machine the best though because it could support up to six players at a time.
                      liukangx's Avatar
                      3907 Posts
                      15 years, 11 months ago
                      Magic Mountain

                      Game Over(had Pac Man tokens!) now its called Fun4You, and they are selling some of the games. $600 for simpsons arcade,$700 for Tekken 3.
                      WoW(Skating place) fun games, but only had like 5 or 6. and the Laser Tag sucked, the guns looked like store scanners or something.

                        79987 Posts
                        15 years, 11 months ago
                        Game in Naha, in Naha Okinawa, Its really a casino but the lower level is an arcade, I went there all the time, it was just out the base of the base I was on.

                        There was one better, three stories tall, on Kokasi street, can't remember its name though.
                          the-micro-man's Avatar
                          3492 Posts
                          15 years, 11 months ago
                          Either Magic Mountain, or my local roller skating rink.
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