I was just wondering how you get your articles you've written on the homepage just as you come in and see all the articles. Do you have to request your article to be viewed on the home page or do managers decide if they are home page material. Just Wondering because I think my article could be frontpage material.
Rock and Roll all Nite and Party Every Day
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I was just wondering how you get your articles you've written on the homepage just as you come in and see all the articles. Do you have to request your article to be viewed on the home page or do managers decide if they are home page material. Just Wondering because I think my article could be frontpage material.
Unless there's so many being approved that there's not room (which is rare), new articles automatically appear on the front page, and are eventually bumped down to make way for more new articles.
Some are born to educate and raise our I.Q. While others imitate their gods and tell us all what to do.
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Unless there's so many being approved that there's not room (which is rare), new articles automatically appear on the front page, and are eventually bumped down to make way for more new articles.
Quote O' Matic
Diddy Kong & Funky Kong:"Diddy: I DO HAVE A FUTURE!! *throws his cap to tha floor and starts to jump over it* I DO! I DO! I DO!!
Funky: Take a chill pill, Diddy. I have no future either. Do I look bummed? Not.
-Diddy Kong & Funky Kong"