2 Posts
18 years, 1 month ago
I'm a bit foggy on the details,. I don't remember what it was about, but I'm pretty sure it was from the early 90's. This is what I do know:

1) It had this little boy dumping his toys and other stuff into the toilet.

2) The boy's dad, I think, was playing golf in the living room, he hit the ball, which crashes into the ceiling. We find out the living room's under the bathroom, because water falls out... with these kind of plastic, colored toy blocks falling with the water.

3) The song "Rescue Me" plays throughout the commercial.

4) The commercial ends with the kid carrying a toy phone(?) in the bathroom (obviously to dunk it in).

5) Then it ends with an imitation of a bugle's cavalry charge.

(Somehow I've got the feeling that kid doesn't want to get potty-trained)

I really need a hand with this one I can't remember, another commercial of the same sort played "Rescue Me" and ended with the cavalry charge riff, only this time the problem was the air conditioning.
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