joecool85's Avatar
375 Posts
17 years, 2 months ago
Now I know that I've uploaded the French Intro on this site (Thank you, Dailymotion) and I do have a commercial of it from Kids WB! (I should of have taped this show ten years ago) . But does anybody (Including people from Canada who had "Teletoon" at the time) have a copy of this short-lived series? I would love to see this series and find an English Intro of it so it can be on this site.

Here's my email address, in case if you write back
[email protected]

Thank you!
    Lottech96's Avatar
    1275 Posts
    17 years, 2 months ago
    I remember Hearing about it but Missed it when It premiered On WB . Was that on for like a week then they pulled the plug? I really want to see what it was about.
    Who Want's some BLOGna!!?
    Did you know they'll make a game show out of..
      joecool85's Avatar
      375 Posts
      17 years, 2 months ago
      It was on for about three weeks since it premiered and was quickly pull due to \"the excessive amount of gunplay\". :x

      Such a shame, this, \"Invasion America\" and \"Brats of The Lost Nebula\" are the only Kids WB! shows that were worth watching and didn\'t gave it a chance. :cry:

      Plus, it\'s way better than \"Pokemon\" and \"Yu-gi-oh!\", which are no longer on the channel.
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