Autobot_Matrix36's Avatar
18 years, 4 months ago
Dot and the kangaroo was nice....

But why did this have to pop up half way through?!?

Constructicon: "Nobody would follow an uncharasmatic bore like you!"

Rumble: "Nobody calls Soundwave un-chrasa-matic!"
    Daniel85's Avatar
    1699 Posts
    18 years, 4 months ago
    Those Dot movies scared the crap outta me as a kid. The animation combined with the live action bush scenery was just really eerie.

    There's a bunyip 'tourist attraction' in a little town called Murray Bridge in South Australia. You put money in and then this really bad animatronic bunyip rises up outta the water inside a fibreglass cave and makes spooky noises before submerging again.
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