2 Posts
18 years, 3 months ago
There was a Fox Kids mini-series (3 episodes, I'm almost sure). It was a sci-fi 'esque story. There were 3 main characters I believe, two teenagers (one male and one female) and another who was younger. The story had these aliens that I THINK were tripods.

I think the story had one of those (end of a species, continuing life) themes.
This was right around the time of shows like Exo-Squad, so early 90's.

For the past 3 years I've been trying to find the name of the story, because as a child I absolutely fell in love with it having watched it, and then never saw it again. It would make me SO happy to find it.
    586 Posts
    18 years, 3 months ago
    Just taking a shot in the dark here, but could you being thinking of Red Planet?
    Some are born to educate and raise our I.Q.
    While others imitate their gods and tell us all what to do.
      2 Posts
      18 years, 3 months ago
      I think you're right! I have no screenshots to go from :(
      But (as well as my memory serves me) that looks like it's the right story! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
      Now I just have to find it somewhere, I'll check YouTube.
        586 Posts
        18 years, 3 months ago
        I remember the name, but I didn't see it, or I'd probably have it on tape.... Least I found the name for ya! I found an old post from a tape trader who said he had it, dunno if the email's still valid (he hasn't posted for 5 years), but it's worth checking if you really want a copy:
        Some are born to educate and raise our I.Q.
        While others imitate their gods and tell us all what to do.
          169 Posts
          18 years, 3 months ago
          The mini-series is three parts long and it's called Red Planet (Robert A Heinlein's Red Planet, to be exact). It's based on the novel.

          You can download a promo of Red Planet from its premiere in 1994 from my website: . I've got many promos advertising it, but I haven't had the time to encode them.

          The mini-series aired three times: its premiere in May 1994, repeat in January 1995, and during the Fox Kids Spring Fling in May 1996. I've got all three parts on tape and I may be offering for trade in the near future (I've also got Siegfried and Roy: Masters of the Impossible).

          Hope this information helps.
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