18 years ago
Years ago, when I was about 11 or 12, I remember seeing a show similar to the Real Ghostbusters but one of the character was a gorilla named Tracy. Can someone help me out?
    1494 Posts
    18 years ago
    That would be Filmation's Ghostbusters.
      18 years ago
      Are you quite sure Jason?
        79987 Posts
        18 years ago
        Try here. i remember this from when i was a kid.

          1494 Posts
          18 years ago
          Are you quite sure Jason?

          Yep. It was a live action show in the 70's and later became a cartoon in the 80's. Both versions featured Tracy the gorilla.
            18 years ago
            Thanks for the VA (Visual Aid) Jason.

            Would you consider this show a cheap parody of the Real Ghostbusters?
              Edymnion's Avatar
              2304 Posts
              18 years ago
              Would you consider this show a cheap parody of the Real Ghostbusters?
              Considering the fact that it came out BEFORE Real Ghostbusters, no, I would consider Real Ghostbusters a cheap parody of it, if anything.

              You gotta realize, Filmation's version came first, with the live action version being a good decade before Ray and Egon and Slimer first appeared.

              Heck, its the reason Slimer and company had to be called the Real Ghostbusters as a cartoon, because Filmation already held the rights to the Ghostbusters cartoon name.

                18 years ago
                So the other animated Ghostbusters series is the cheap knockoff of the Flimation one.
                  1494 Posts
                  18 years ago
                  You could since Filmation released the cartoon version simply to cash in on the movie. You could also argue that the 'Real' Ghostbusters was a ripoff of Filmations version since they produced the live show almost a decade before the movie came out and owned the rights to the name. I think there was even a lawsuit at one point.

                  Would you consider this show a cheap parody of the Real Ghostbusters?
                    62 Posts
                    18 years ago
                    A live action version? I never knew they did that.
                    Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
                      1494 Posts
                      18 years ago
                      A live action version? I never knew they did that.

                      You didn't miss much.
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