RetroDork's Avatar
94 Posts
17 years, 11 months ago
I remember watching this show it might be the same show from the other thread it might not. There was a host one guy I remember he would review video games and video game consoles. I remember he reviewed the Turbo Grafix 16 console when it first hit the market as it was one of if not the first gaming system if i remember correctly that had a cd rom.
    FilmationGirl's Avatar
    209 Posts
    17 years, 11 months ago
    Do you know if the show was called Video Power? A young kid would quickly review new games and the rest of the consisted of a cartoon of forgettable game heroes and villains lived in the same world as the kid's toon counterpart.

    Maybe also when GamePro magazine use to have a weekend TV show?
      17 years, 11 months ago
      Yes it was Video Power. Johnny Arcade used to cover all of the consoles and the handhelds. In that episode he talked about Red Alert, Wonders From Y's, China Warrior, and Bonk's Adventure for the Turbo Grafix-16 CD. He also used to show you a quick look at games from japan.
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