i'm from indiana, so we needed more than an inch for a snow day. we usually got two or three a year, sometimes none (we had built in snow days so we wouldn't have to make them up) Anyways, almost all of the moms in our neighborhood worked for a school (including my mom) so we often knew way in advance if we were going to have one, sometimes even the night before which was nice (it just meant putting off homework for the next day). Anyways, it was almost tradition for the neighborhood kids to get together for a snowball fight. the fights usually lasted a couple hours. When it was time to eat a late lunch, my two best friends (who were also my neighbors) would come over to my house and we would all sit on the small couch and my mom would put a fuzzy blanket in the dryer for us. We'd then order pizza and ALWAYS watch Labyrinth. To this day i always want to watch Labyrinth when it snows a lot.
There was this one time in jr. high when we had a horrible snow storm. we got a week off of school and it was pretty cool cuz it was supposed to be our first week back after christmas break. excuse, Winter break, we're PC now.