bat0h0lic's Avatar
240 Posts
17 years, 10 months ago
Back in elementry. Did you ever had a pin pal from another school? What kind of fond memories did you have? Did you ever meet him or, her? I sure did. Are class took a trip to the zoo so we can meet them. I still have a picture from that day, but i don't remember what we shared in commen. I think it was Ninja Turtles.
    Influence's Avatar
    366 Posts
    17 years, 10 months ago
    Do you mean Pen Pals? If so then yes. When I was in middle school, and we had to take either French or Spanish, my French teacher made us write to a penpal. I picked a girl and we got along pretty well, she lived in France, but we lost touch :(
    "I love the's so bad...."
      Forgotten_sin's Avatar
      889 Posts
      17 years, 10 months ago
      i thought this was about Homer's bowling team for a second there.

      no, never had a pen pal.

      Check out my blog.
        79987 Posts
        17 years, 10 months ago
        I had a senior citizen as a pen pal in 5th grade. I recently dug up our letters, but couldn't find the man's address :/
          MemoryChip's Avatar
          605 Posts
          17 years, 10 months ago
          I remember Pen Pals

          I had one who I did meet as apart of a trip to another school to meet them

          We participated in many games
          I Love the 90's

          Film Site:

          we are seriosuly in need of active members(please read and join)
            Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
            2505 Posts
            17 years, 10 months ago
            ya i had two pen pals from Finland in grades five and mabey six , it was pretty exciting, we wrote letters and they sent pictures it was great learning about the culture and the lifestyle in Finland. i never kept it up after though, kinnda sad
              Ilikethepixies's Avatar
              5870 Posts
              17 years, 10 months ago
              Me to Alaskan boy:

              Hey, is it cold there? Do you live in an igloo? What do you do for fun? Thanks for being my pen pal!

              Alaskan boy to me:

              Hey, yeah its cold here a lot. I live in a regular house. I like to watch tv and play video games and stuff. I like being your pen pal too.

              Me to Alaskan boy:

              Thats cool. Does anyone you know live in an igloo? Write me back.

              Alaskan boy to me:

              No, just regular houses. I think we should stop being pen pals.
                79987 Posts
                17 years, 10 months ago
                I had one. Some girl who lived in France. Never got past 3 letters.
                  Influence's Avatar
                  366 Posts
                  17 years, 10 months ago
                  Me to Alaskan boy:

                  Hey, is it cold there? Do you live in an igloo? What do you do for fun? Thanks for being my pen pal!

                  Alaskan boy to me:

                  Hey, yeah its cold here a lot. I live in a regular house. I like to watch tv and play video games and stuff. I like being your pen pal too.

                  Me to Alaskan boy:

                  Thats cool. Does anyone you know live in an igloo? Write me back.

                  Alaskan boy to me:

                  No, just regular houses. I think we should stop being pen pals.

                  lol, the next letter from you should of went as follows:

                  You : Why do you think we should stop being pen pals? Can you FedEx me some snow?
                  "I love the's so bad...."
                    Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
                    2505 Posts
                    17 years, 10 months ago
                    Me to Alaskan boy:

                    Hey, is it cold there? Do you live in an igloo? What do you do for fun? Thanks for being my pen pal!

                    Alaskan boy to me:

                    Hey, yeah its cold here a lot. I live in a regular house. I like to watch tv and play video games and stuff. I like being your pen pal too.

                    Me to Alaskan boy:

                    Thats cool. Does anyone you know live in an igloo? Write me back.

                    Alaskan boy to me:

                    No, just regular houses. I think we should stop being pen pals.

                    i love it, thats hilarious
                      Pinwheel's Avatar
                      532 Posts
                      17 years, 10 months ago
                      I had a penpal from France that started when I was in 9th grade and we kept in contact until I was in 11th. But somewhere after that, she never wrote back to me. I think I sent one follow up letter when I was either 20-21 and never got a response to that either so I just gave up
                      "It lies in the valley of the vision, where the slain are not slain with the sword. In the darkest shadows of light, there you'll find a door..."
                        anglslife's Avatar
                        992 Posts
                        17 years, 10 months ago
                        I had one through BOP magazine back in the day. It only lasted a few months but I think it was a valuable experience. I wonder what she is doing now.
                        Dot: Don't look down. You might fall and hit your head and die and your brains would leak out alllllll over.


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