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739 Posts
17 years, 10 months ago
I remember seeing that movie "Street Fighter" and it was great. I've seen that movie at the Lyceum Cinemas in Red Hook, NY back in 1994. I was about 15 or 16 at that time. I enjoyed it and it was good. I found these videos from YouTube which is a three-part series about a review on the movie "Street Fighter". I remember the "Street Fighter" games and it was more fun. Thanks to Jedite1 for these videos. Here it is.
    160 Posts
    17 years, 10 months ago
    That movie was crap , it wasent even good crap. The fighting in it blew. I have it on DVD , my Ex girlfriend gave it to me as a birthday present , she found it in the 99 cent bin at the Superstore. Well she thought I would like it becuase I like most of Van Dame's movies and im obsessed with Kung Fu flicks. But Street Fighter was gross. The video game that was in the Arcades that was the movie edition was pretty good.
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