2 Posts
17 years, 9 months ago
ok so this may be a little hard but here goes, i'm trying to remember two cartoon movies i think both are from the early 80's. the first one i believe had something to do with mining and was sent in the future..the end was of the hero kissing the girl where he finds he can see again, any ideas? the second was a weird one i think with a mouse as the main character... it was really sureal with possibly a toy car and a bit where's he's looking into a mirror of a mirror of a mirror and it goes on.... as i said i can't remember loads but i hope someone out there has a better memory than i do. thanks for your help
    987 Posts
    17 years, 9 months ago
    the first one i believe had something to do with mining and was sent in the future..the end was of the hero kissing the girl where he finds he can see again,

    Sounds a bit like,..

    Starchaser:The Legend of Orin[/size]

    the second was a weird one i think with a mouse as the main character... it was really sureal with possibly a toy car and a bit where's he's looking into a mirror of a mirror of a mirror and it goes on


    The Mouse and His Child

      2 Posts
      17 years, 9 months ago
      fantastic!!! great memory well done that man.. even with my crap desciption
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