17 years, 8 months ago
I just finished watching the My Little Pony Commercials. I remember seeing those when I was kid. I think my sister had a couple of them. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong. But I seem to remember I could squeeze them and they had little hole in them. When I put them under water and would squeeze them and release, it would suck water into the hole and fill them up. Then when I'd squeeze them out of the water, they'd shoot water all over the bathtub wall! Fun stuff. I remember they had these little brushes and a comb and I think I combed a few of their manes.

It was neat seeing those commercials again. Brought back memories. I'm going to try and find the squeeze it commercials now.
    Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
    2505 Posts
    17 years, 8 months ago
    just the regular ponies? or are you saying there were different ones? between there necks and bodies there was a crack..i know i had a bunch and in the bath id do the same thing.. as for a hole i don't know about..hmm
      17 years, 8 months ago
      Now that you mention it, it does seem like I remember being able to pop their heads off and turn them around backwards. It just seems like I remember there being a hole in the bottom of them, like on squeezy dog toys. And when they'd get water in them, if I squeezed them the water would shoot out the hole.

      It's just hard to remember exact details. I think that's been 20, maybe 21 years ago. Maybe longer then that. I'm surprised I even remember the bit I do.

      The toy departments in stores don't seem nearly as interesting as it did when I was kid. The toys just don't seem to have as much character.
        Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
        2505 Posts
        17 years, 8 months ago
        ya i duno mabey there were, iam thinking of eighties my lil ponies, other then them i really dont know , sorry
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