14 Posts
17 years, 8 months ago
Me and my friends were trying to come up with the greatest quotes from a comedy movie. The one we settled on was from There's Something About Mary.

"Step into my office. Your fucking fired."

I know this can be topped but my mind is going blank.
    455 Posts
    17 years, 8 months ago
    "Surely you can't be serious.I am serious....and don't call me Shirley." Not the greatest but a classic.
      HarryReems's Avatar
      2067 Posts
      17 years, 8 months ago
      Treehorn Thug: [holding up a bowling ball] "What the fuck is this?"
      The Dude: "Obviously you're not a golfer."

      -The Big Lebowski
        455 Posts
        17 years, 8 months ago
        Treehorn Thug: [holding up a bowling ball] "What the fuck is this?"
        The Dude: "Obviously you're not a golfer."

        -The Big Lebowski

        So many in that movie...

        "forget about the fucking toe"
        "nice marmet"
        "this aggression will not stand,man"
        "toes across the line!"
          JoltCola's Avatar
          132 Posts
          17 years, 8 months ago
          I always thought THREE AMIGOS had some great lines in it. . .

          HOT MEXICAN GIRL: "Well, we could take a walk and you could kiss me on the veranda."

          DUSTY BOTTOMS (Chevy Chase): "Lips would be fine."

          ***and in ACE VENTURA (the first one)

          Ray Finkel in drag as police detective: "How would you like me to make your life a living hell?"

          ACE: "Well, Sarge. . . .I'm really not looking for a relationship right now"
            Spankyisforlovers's Avatar
            17 years, 8 months ago
            This quote wasn't really very funny at all, but it taught me a valuable lesson.

            "There are a million fine looking women in the world, dude, but they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you."

            -Silent Bob in Clerks.
            "How's Knotcher doing?"
            "Well, he almost started a new career...as a hood ornament."
              diamondgirl360's Avatar
              17 years, 8 months ago
              dionne:"rough winds do shake the darling buds but thou eternal summer shall not fade" phat! did you write that?
              CHER:DUH! its like a famous quote!
              DIONNE:FROM WHERE ?
              CHER:Cliffs notes
              _ clueless ..classic!
              LUCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                Ilikethepixies's Avatar
                5870 Posts
                17 years, 8 months ago
                I loved in the Big Lebowski when they make fun of Nihilism. That scene where the guy is passed out in the pool with sunglasses, wearing all black, with a bottle of whiskey floating next to him is great. "Oh, he's a nihilist."

                People that get into that type of thing might point out that those who effectively practice nihilism in their own lives are incredibly active, life-affirming, vibrant people. Its still a funny joke though.
                  COOLHAND's Avatar
                  2938 Posts
                  17 years, 8 months ago
                  "Shes a witch...may we burn her?" - Monty Python and the Holy Grail
                  "These amps go to eleven." - Spinal Tap
                  "Walk this way...walk this way." - Young Frankenstein
                  "See if you can guess what I am now...I'm a zit! Get it?" - Animal House
                    Brookie79's Avatar
                    428 Posts
                    17 years, 8 months ago
                    hey kid stop looking up the ladies skirt plus cat on my head (Braincandy)
                    SPAM I HATE SPAM plus bring out your dead (monty python)
                    you so stupid (uhf)
                    you mess with the bull you get the horns ( Breakfast club)
                    ziggy piggy ( Bill and ted)

                    I cant think of anymore, I have to watch some movies
                    " who sole task is to seek out and eradicate the true source of mans inhumanity to man" equilibrium
                      PyroPhoenixX's Avatar
                      423 Posts
                      17 years, 8 months ago
                      I think it went like this:
                      "Nice beaver you have there."
                      *passes fake stuffed beaver*
                      "Thanks, I just recently got it stuffed."
                      Naked Gun: Files from Police Squad!

                      That was funny:D
                      This message will now self destruct...
                        HarryReems's Avatar
                        2067 Posts
                        17 years, 8 months ago
                        Willie: "Why don't you go take a shower?"
                        Dancer girlfriend: "I'm a dancer, I sweat."
                        Willie: "Well, you smell like a bum's nut sack."

                        -Bad Santa
                          JoltCola's Avatar
                          132 Posts
                          17 years, 8 months ago
                          hmmmmm. . . interesting imagry there. . . . .

                          I'm, uh. . . gonna throw up now. . .lol
                            Emtplatt's Avatar
                            107 Posts
                            17 years, 8 months ago
                            One that gets me everytime and made me almost choke the first time I heard it...

                            *Robin Williams throws a fruit at the back of the new guy his wife is seeing*

                            Mrs Doubtfire: "Oh terrible that happened dear I saw it all it was a run by fruiting"...

                            E to the M to the T...that's me..

                            If Happy Fun Ball begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head.
                              mr3urious's Avatar
                              3356 Posts
                              17 years, 8 months ago
                              Not retro, but I think I'd like to include it, anyway:

                              "I'm Rainbow fuckin' Randolph!"

                              - Death to Smoochy

                              "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I'm not." -Kurt Cobain
                                brown_eyed1's Avatar
                                1948 Posts
                                17 years, 8 months ago
                                One that gets me everytime and made me almost choke the first time I heard it...

                                *Robin Williams throws a fruit at the back of the new guy his wife is seeing*

                                Mrs Doubtfire: "Oh terrible that happened dear I saw it all it was a run by fruiting"...


                                LOL! I LOVE that one...there are so many funny quotes from that movie...This one always cracks me up:

                                Mrs. Doubtfire: Oh I'm sorry, am I being a little graphic? I'm sorry. Well, I hope you're up for a little competition. She's got a power tool in the bedroom, dear. It's her own personal jackhammer. She could break sidewalk with that thing. She uses it and the lights dim, it's like a prison movie. Amazed she hasn't chipped her teeth.

                                Cookie!!! OM NOM NOM!
                                  455 Posts
                                  17 years, 8 months ago
                                  Willie: "Why don't you go take a shower?"
                                  Dancer girlfriend: "I'm a dancer, I sweat."
                                  Willie: "Well, you smell like a bum's nut sack."

                                  -Bad Santa

                                  Another from Bad Santa that cracks me up........

                                  "Look, I've boned a lot of fat chicks in my time, sure. But, uh, as far as I can recall, I've never fornicated anybody."
                                    267 Posts
                                    17 years, 8 months ago
                                    Dark Helmet: Careful you idiot! I said across her nose, not up it!
                                    Laser Gunner: Sorry sir! I'm doing my best!
                                    Dark Helmet: Who made that man a gunner?
                                    Major: I did, sir. He's my cousin.
                                    Dark Helmet: Who is he?
                                    Colonel Sandurz: He's an asshole, sir.
                                    Dark Helmet: I know that! What's his name?
                                    Colonel Sandurz: That is his name, sir. Asshole, Major Asshole!
                                    Dark Helmet: And his cousin?
                                    Colonel Sandurz: He's an asshole too, sir. Gunner's Mate First Class Philip Asshole!
                                    Dark Helmet: How many assholes do we have on this ship, anyway?
                                    Entire bridge crew stands up and raises a hand
                                    Entire Bridge Crew: Yo!
                                    Dark Helmet:I knew it. I'm surrounded by assholes!
                                    Dark Helmet pulls his face shield down
                                    Dark Helmet: Keep firing, assholes!
                                      180 Posts
                                      17 years, 8 months ago
                                      At the moment my favorite line is, "Would anyone like a peanut?" from Shaun of the Dead. It's all in the delivery and context, though.
                                        Borgem's Avatar
                                        162 Posts
                                        17 years, 8 months ago
                                        "Life of Brian" had some great quotes:

                                        Brian: Excuse me, is this "The Judean People's Front"?
                                        Greg: Fuck off! We're "The People's Front of Judea"!

                                        Brian: You've got to think for yourselves! you're all individuals!
                                        Crowd: We're all individuals!
                                        One guy in crowd: I'm not.

                                        Brian's Mother: He's not The Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!

                                        Pilate: I have a wevy gweat fwiend in Wome named Biggus Dickus.

                                        On a sidenote I've always found most of Vizzini's lines in "The Princess Bride" amusing:

                                        Vizzini: I've hired you to help me start a war, it's a prestigious line of work with a long and glorious tradition.

                                        Then, there's of course "Spaceballs" and Dark Helmet lamenting that he's always surrounded by assholes, but that one's already been mentioned.
                                        You know what they say: If you wanna save the world you gotta push a few old ladies down the stairs

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