4 Posts
17 years, 8 months ago
Dear Members And RetroJunkies,

Me and a friend of mine had a specific problem of finding out a certain show me try to remember.
The weird thing is we only remember the begining of the show (Cartoon or Real-Life show)

It goes like this:

When the show starts a guy is in his bed. And his Alarm-Clock goes off. So he picks up a hammer and smashes the alarm clock to pieces (like a spring hung out of the clock and it was good broken).

A moment later he opens his desk and grabs a new alarm clock !*(There's like a lot of new alarm clocks in his desk) He sets down his new alarm clock and throws away the old way into a box with lots of other broken alarm clocks.

WHAT SHOW IS THIS??? Does anyone know this? or have prove this excists???

Please help us!!!
    4 Posts
    17 years, 8 months ago
    Doesn't anybody know this??
    Come on :D
      15 Posts
      17 years, 8 months ago
      It wasn't a Timmy Mallet show by any chance?
      I say, what a lovely site this is!
        IMissThe80s's Avatar
        481 Posts
        17 years, 8 months ago
        sounds like the beginning of an episode of The Pink Panther (the one where Pink buys a Cuckoo Clock and it greatly annoys him)
        Doc.....are you telling me that this sucker is NUCLEAR?!
          pikachulover's Avatar
          2944 Posts
          17 years, 8 months ago
          That kind of sounds like a scene from Mr. Bean.
            Lobotomaxx's Avatar
            86 Posts
            17 years, 8 months ago
            Brain Donors has an opening scene just like you described.

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