Batou:"[about the terrorist, Hideo Kuze] What the hell kind of delusions does this guy have?"
Major. Motoko Kusanagi:"Frankly speaking, I guess you could call it world domination."
Batou:"Say what?"
Ishikawa:"Got himself a serious case of megalomania, huh? Its not like you to let something like that get to you."
Batou:"Geez, you look like some teenager who's just met the man of her dreams."
Major. Motoko Kusanagi:"Right. But we know one thing for sure now. And that is although he has manifested symptoms of the Individual Eleven virus, his current actions are driven by the personal qualities and idiologies that he had before he was infected. His delusion might be a cliche, but the reason I can't laugh it off is that he genuinely believes he can bring peace to the world by becoming a dictator. Thats the sense I got from him. Plus, his adrenaline secretion levels were high enough to kill an ordinary man. I t"
Batou:"What do you mean, out of touch?"
Major. Motoko Kusanagi:"I'm sayin' that he's becoming obsessed. Looking back on history, men like him have weilded unbelievable power. For instance, Che Guevara, Malcom X, and Cassius Clay are text book examples."
Batou:"You teling me that he's not the same as Hitler?"
Major. Motoko Kusanagi:"He's the same in a certain sense, but ideologically, he's closer to Ghandi or Martin Luther King."