:confused: does any1 remember some toy dogs from late 80's early 90's? not pound puppies, had coloured stringy ears, one wore shades?? who made them and what were they called? PLS help x
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:confused: does any1 remember some toy dogs from late 80's early 90's? not pound puppies, had coloured stringy ears, one wore shades?? who made them and what were they called? PLS help x
There is a retrojunkie who would know this...but I forget the name of the memeber...hopefully they sign on and help you in the next few days
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There is a retrojunkie who would know this...but I forget the name of the memeber...hopefully they sign on and help you in the next few days
Quote O' Matic
Maria:""This looks alot like the piano at Bob's apartment or is it an electric keyboard. Does it do more?""
Herbie Hancock:""Why yes. Well you see, This is not just a piano. You see, this is a synthesizer, It's a computer-based synthesizer. It more features and there is typewriting keyboard that Clyde is in front of."
Children:""Hello, Clyde.""
Clyde:""Hello, Kids.""
Herbie Hancock:""You can do so many different things that you can't do on a piano.""