1 Posts
17 years, 6 months ago
I was searching for a kid's show w/a clock in it and came accross this post:

Could it be Let Me See??? That show took place in a funky house where Hocus, the living clock with a face and actual arms, would introduce each episode. Pocus was the little blue bird puppet who always said "Caw Myrtle, let me see, let me see." Myrtle was of course the lady who was the main host. She wasn't exactly anything to look at.

(Hordak Alpha))

Does anyone know where I can find any info on this show Let Me See? I don't know if that's the one I'm thinking of, but it sounds pretty close.

    pikachulover's Avatar
    2944 Posts
    17 years, 6 months ago
    I remember watching that show. The clock had a funny voice. I remember there was a bird puppet that was black or a really dark color.
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