2 Posts
17 years, 5 months ago
I'm trying to think of a TV show...

The main character was a preteen girl who would talk to her dad by opening a box and his voice would come out of it. You never saw the dad - just his voice. I don't remember anything else about the show..... but maybe someone out there can help me!!

Thanks - Stacy
    Megagents's Avatar
    1257 Posts
    17 years, 5 months ago
    Can you think of the synopsis of the show? For example, was the dad a spy or was he just busy. And was it like a Sci-Fi/Fantasy or something for teens like Degrassi?
      Strandysmommy's Avatar
      617 Posts
      17 years, 5 months ago
      That is "Out of this World". And it's a show about a girl named Evie whose dad is an alien from a planet called "Anterias". She can stop time by putting her two index fingers together, and I think she could turn into a plant too...I think. The theme song was "Would you like to swing on a star".

      I think it was late 80's- very early 90's.
        79987 Posts
        17 years, 5 months ago
        That is "Out of this World". And it's a show about a girl named Evie whose dad is an alien from a planet called "Anterias". She can stop time by putting her two index fingers together, and I think she could turn into a plant too...I think. The theme song was "Would you like to swing on a star".

        I think it was late 80's- very early 90's.

        And this has been covered in a few other threads. But I'm too lazy to dig them up.
          COOLHAND's Avatar
          2938 Posts
          17 years, 5 months ago
          yeah this has come up multiple times in threads before. i can remember seeing this show in the early nineties
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