geekay3's Avatar
4 Posts
17 years, 4 months ago
The other day I was struck with a memory of an old show that I tried to relay to my friends, but unfortunately, no one remembered. Undaunted, I went to Wikipedia, except I could find no clue as to the show ever existing. I'm at my wits end and need your help. :mad:

The premise of the show involved Sherlock Holmes conducting an experiment, I think with the intention of cloning himself. While the experiment worked, it didn't quite come out as planned, as the clone was almost half his height. For some reason, he boxes up the clone and is later discovered by some kids, and the show revolves around solving mysteries, with "Mini-Holmes" being a puppet that helps the kids solve the mysteries. I've no clue what it's called, who was in it, or where it was made (though I suspect Canada or northern US, I don't remember any European accents). It aired from what I remember during the late 80s or early 90s and may have been either Public Broadcasting, Nickelodeon, or some now lost channel. Also, the only image I remember is from the show's opening (which re-iterated the origin of "Mini-Holmes") of a silhouette of Sherlock looking down at his clone. :confused:

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated, as well as pics, vids, or other forms of evidence. Thanks.

    DieYuppieScum's Avatar
    866 Posts
    17 years, 4 months ago
    Mini Homie Holmes???? HA HA HA HA HA sorry I could not help myself... Now I have to go punish myself for saying the Word "Homie"
    DieYuppieScum's Signature Image
      geekay3's Avatar
      4 Posts
      17 years, 4 months ago
      Sir, I will not dignify such a ludicrous response with a reply...ooops. :D

      But no, as little as I can remember of the title, "Mini Homie Holmes" was not it. The whole thing was played fairly straight and as a kid I always kept asking "why would Sherlock Holmes make a pinnochio of himself, and why do these kids need him to solve mysteries?" :rolleyes:
        17 years, 4 months ago
        the show was called either the secrets of shelby woo or the mystery files of shelby woo. as far as pictures, yahoo and google has some. hope that helps :)
          missballerina07's Avatar
          17 years, 4 months ago
          I think I know what you are talking about but I do not know the name. If it was on PBS I would check out that web site to see if they have info in the archives or something.
            331 Posts
            17 years, 4 months ago
            This may be a longshot, but was it called Sherlock Holmes 2000?
              geekay3's Avatar
              4 Posts
              17 years, 4 months ago
              No, you're either thinking of two things: Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century, an animated program where Holmes is revived in the 40th century (just kidding, it's obviously the 22nd) and teams up with a cyber Watson and the hot female descendant of Inspector Lestrande against various futuristic criminals (including a cloned Prof. Moriarity) or Sherlock Holmes (2000) a Hallmark TV movie starring Matt Frewer.

              This show wasn't futuristic. It just had Holmes' clone/puppet coming to modern times (circa late 80s/early 90s). I really am surprised that there is NOTHING on the net about this (that I can find). Makes me feel like I made this up, which I most certainly did not. :confused:
                80sRmylife's Avatar
                215 Posts
                17 years, 4 months ago
                wasn't there a show that was just called Sherlock Holmes JR?

                I thought there was but maybe I'm wrong.
                "Praise White Jesus!!!"
                  geekay3's Avatar
                  4 Posts
                  17 years, 4 months ago
                  No afraid not. :(

                  There was an "Adventures of Shirley Jones," but a combination of being too new (1996-1999) and lack of freaky Holmes puppet rules it out. And a villain called Molly Hardy (Moriarty). Talk about PUNishment!

                  Thanks for all the continued help on this...someday, I will either remember or find out.
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