90skid555's Avatar
257 Posts
17 years, 3 months ago
Did anyone have a happy childhood mine was great
kid still stuck in the 90s
    79987 Posts
    17 years, 3 months ago
    Mine was okay. I wasn't abused or crippled or anything so I shouldn't complain. But I was a pretty stressed, anxious kid. I don't know why that was...
      843 Posts
      17 years, 3 months ago
      [FONT=Impact]mine was ok aside from the torture of bein in 3rd grade and 5th grade and being in trouble almost everyday when i was in those grades it was great i had good friends and i loved what was on tv and i was spoiled when i wasnt in trouble i loved my childhood[/FONT]
        Copper20's Avatar
        601 Posts
        17 years, 3 months ago
        My childhood was great. From 1992-2001, it was awesome. There were a lot of TV shows that were great, until 2002 when I left Maryland and could not stand Texas, and still do today. I had good friends, but they left, and I was the last to leave Texas and we all had to break up. It was bad. Pratically it's not just my dad's job, it's also that my relatives are closer.
          80skidAK's Avatar
          701 Posts
          17 years, 3 months ago
          If we didn't we probably wouldn't be here.
            the-micro-man's Avatar
            3492 Posts
            17 years, 3 months ago
            Mine was good, then things started getting pretty lame around 2003...
              COOLHAND's Avatar
              2938 Posts
              17 years, 3 months ago
              back in my day...
                Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
                2505 Posts
                17 years, 3 months ago
                my childhood was awesome, not a care in the world, i had what i needed and a lil of what wanted so it balenced out and i wasn't ever severly sick.
                  3338 Posts
                  17 years, 3 months ago
                  My childhood was pretty good. Basically I would just be playing Super Nintendo and watching Nickeldeon during my childhood during the 90s. Boy those were good times. One thing about my life that's better now than back then is my social life because I didn't have any friends at all during the 90s. I was a lonely kid besides my sister, while my social life has improved alot now, I still don't have a lot of friends but a lot of people do seem to like me, so yeah.

                  During my very early childhood I used to have the Nintendo Entertainment System until my Dad took it away from me during 1994 and I never had another NES until Augest 2007. I also remember the old Ninja Turtles from my early childhood as well as the Super Mario cartoons which I used to watch on The Family Channel. The Ninja turtles I watched on USA Network. ah, yes, my childhood was good to remember.
                    79987 Posts
                    17 years, 3 months ago
                    My childhood outside of school was cool, but my childhood in school sucked. I was verbally abused by everyone and it was just because I was charming, eccentric and introverted.
                      MrCleveland's Avatar
                      1066 Posts
                      17 years, 3 months ago
                      Mine came in 5-year cycles.

                      82-86...Didn't know much.
                      87-91...I had some great times. I got in trouble yes, but who does?
                      92-96...After the death of my Grandma, things got a little better.
                      97-01...This was when I was home schooled, but it was okay.
                      02-06...This is where my childhood ended. 07-?...It may be shit, it may not be shit.
                        Saradomin's Avatar
                        581 Posts
                        17 years, 3 months ago
                        I felt that my childhood was a blast throughout the 90s. Great cartoons, tons of different shows to watch, cool videogames, and the care-free atmosphere I had. Since 1999 things never felt the same, after my sister left for college. As I see it now, the 2000s are inferior to what we had in the 1980s and 1990s. Good times indeed.
                          outfit's Avatar
                          899 Posts
                          17 years, 3 months ago
                          My childhood was fantastic-- even though the original Atari video games were the only ones around..and you were considered lucky to have that!
                            Ilikethepixies's Avatar
                            5870 Posts
                            17 years, 3 months ago
                            My childhood was filled mostly with a whimsical mix of ritualized, soul-shattering beatings and intense self-loathing.

                            Oh, and Sega games.
                              the-micro-man's Avatar
                              3492 Posts
                              17 years, 3 months ago
                              If teen years count as childhood, then you can say my childhood sucks bigtime...
                                2602 Posts
                                17 years, 3 months ago
                                90skid555, can you tell us why was your childhood so happy?

                                My childhood years was great (for the most part). I miss going to the park with my grandmother every morning,watching weekday morning/afternoon cartoons, Getting new toys for Christmas, getting up early to watch Saturday Morning cartoons, skateboarding every Sunday afternoon, going to the arcade on Saturday afternoons and so much more. I was a kid in the 1980s.
                                  HarryReems's Avatar
                                  2067 Posts
                                  17 years, 3 months ago
                                  Did anyone have a happy childhood mine was great

                                  Yes, it was glorious.
                                  I'm guessing you were the type of kid that asked a lot of questions.
                                    64 Posts
                                    17 years, 3 months ago
                                    mine was not the greatest im glad to be an adult
                                      402 Posts
                                      17 years, 3 months ago
                                      Age 0-1: Pretty good, everything was done for me. I was also read to a lot.
                                      Age 2: It was at this age that I learned to read. This was a good thing at the time, as it led to me using a computer and learning math before my third birthday. I also discovered swimming, which became an interest I still have today--I swim whenever possible and wherever--a good pool is something I value in a hotel!
                                      Age 3: I started preschool. Worst thing ever. I was bored stiff there because I a) didn't play with toys much, b) didn't play with same age peers much (preferred older except for these two girls in my neighborhood born not long after me), and c) the teacher didn't understand me.
                                      Age 4: Same story as above, except now the other kids were picking on me more and not just because I could read well. They found out I didn't watch Ninja Turtles or the other popular cartoons so I became an outcast.
                                      Age 5: Similar to age four. Now they were also on my case because I didn't own or have a desire to own a super soaker. Instead of watching Ninja Turtles or playing with a super soaker I was either a) playing baseball or soccer, b) playing piano, c) using my computer, d) reading books, or e) working on my math skills--I could already multiply, was learning how to divide, and by my sixth birthday knew square and cubes of numbers as well as their roots
                                      Age 6-8: Kindergarten: heaven at last. I was at a private school so they could put me in other programs but I really liked the kids here, they accepted me for who I was and I made a lot of friends here--having computers in the classroom certainly helped.
                                      Age 9-11: Went to public school for third grade, not a good move at first but eventually it worked out. Fifth grade was awful though--teachers and I didn't get along and some of the kids got strange but at least I had the gifted support teacher--I did a lot of electrical projects with her that year.
                                      Age 12-14: I loved middle school! Met a great group of guys, most of whom were originally from other neighborhoods, also was involved in band while still keeping up with baseball, soccer, and basketball.
                                      Age 15-18: High school was even better. Met three people who made a large impact on me. Still involved with my activities, still close to my friends.
                                      Age 19: First year of college--total bust first semester. Transferred, second semester was pretty good because many of my HS buddies who were younger than me were still around (I went home).
                                      Age 20: Second year of college--hit or miss.
                                      Age 21: Third year of college--not bad. People are finally getting to accept me there for being a guy who works his tail off to get grades and likes to help others achieve high scores as well. I also don't drink or party and people are finally getting past that to realize that I may be a bit square but I'm not a total nerd.

                                      My childhood essentially was over before it started. I've always preferred being with adults and have always viewed myself as an adult since I was six years old. At restaraunts I would specifically request "the adult portion" because I didn't want to be a kid. I swam in the deep end, not the kiddy pool. I read magazines about computers and cars aimed at adults, not the typical teenage magazines. Also was and still am an avid newspaper reader. Aside from PBS educational shows my TV viewing was always news, sports, Jeopardy, Wheel, or Price is Right (with a few other shows thrown in occasionally--but not kiddy stuff). Didn't like toys and would take pencils with me instead.

                                      So my childhood, I guess, was inconsistent. That is, if you're talking about what I perceive to be my childhood (which ended at age six for me). "Early adulthood" has been pretty good to me save for fifth grade and my first semester in college.
                                        266 Posts
                                        17 years, 2 months ago
                                        I loved my childhood and I really miss it! I lived in Seminole,FL for the 8 years of my life and it was a golden age! Then I moved to Freehold,NJ in 2001. And now here I am talking to you people at retrojunk.
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