Socially Un PC toys are all over out there still- Barbie Dolls, Bratz, G.I. Joe, or any other action figure that promotes violence or negative female image. (Any doll that isn't a hairy armpitted girl with her college degree in feminist studies is a bad role model for young girls apparently). People who nitpick can probably find fault with any toy out there and why it's not bi-lingual and multicultural enough.
So for those toys I had: White, blue eyed, blonde haired Barbie (well, I had The Rockers, and Lights n' Lace too, so there were culturally diverse dolls there)
I had GI Joe, He Man, Centurions, In Huminoids, Voltron...all violent with scars and blood and guns. Water guns, Super Soakers, Cap Guns, Water Rockets. Ghostbuster stuff....
Safety Wise, I had Slap Bracelets, Klackers...I had a transformer that shot sparks out of its mouth, I had this pinwheel thing that when you pumped the bottom of the stem it would spit sparks out...yeah. Good stuff. Petite Ponies (wee little My Little Ponies that I'm sure some un learned naive 6 year old would try to swallow, only to choke to death) Oh geez, SLIP n SLIDE (a slab of plastic you throw yourself down on) and METAL PLAYGROUNDS!!! Roller slides! Merry Go Rounds! ALL made of GLORIOUS GLORIOUS metal!! And sand as a shock absorber.
It's a wonder that us 25+ year olds are alive and educated and even a little cultured with all the ignorance we were raised in, eh?