I was born in 1980 and I guess it's a miracle I'm alive with ego and body fully intact.
I played on rusty metal and wood playgrounds, I rode a bike, bigwheel, go cart with no helmet.
I rode in a car with no carseat once I was 2 at the very most.
I got shafted for several plays, was last chosen for teams in gym, had my name written on the blackboard for goofing off, and repremended in front of the class was given time outs in the time out chair in the corner and threatened with spankings and soap in the mouth, grounded, sent to my room. I was told NO, I had things phrased to me in a non-positve way: "Stop running, Don't do that, NO eating chalk!"
I was TOLD when my bedtime was, no choices there, if I didn't like dinner, I either ate it or went hungry...
I enjoyed Cookie Monster eating COOKIES ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME, didn't HAVE to learn spanish (until I was in second grade) could freely say MERRY CHRISTMAS without getting a dirty look, could sing happy songs like "Three Blind Mice" and "Ring Around The Rosey" without having to learn the new, less violent lyrics.
I could celebrate birthdays, christmas, and hannukah in school without worrying about stepping on someone's toes, I watched Mr. Rogers and his non cyber-computer, bi-lingual, flashing, exploding puppets.
I too, was put to bed on my tummy- had a mom who drank and chain smoked when she was pregnant with me and when I was a little kid (ok, granted there are some residual health issues in me from that).
So, yes even in the 80's my classmates were all pretty much psychotropic drug-free. No made up disorders out there... (I beleive in ADHD, but I don't beleive that half as many kids out there that are being treated for it actually HAVE it. There's so many disorders out there that I think are just fancy words for "I can't punish my kid because it's not PC" I can't take them across my knee because it's pretty much illegal now!")