nurpler's Avatar
3 Posts
16 years, 10 months ago
When I was young, I remember seeing an animated movie. It was a love story between a fire person and a water person. Only they could not be together or something.

I seem to recall the fire guy died or something while trying to get to the water girl and she transformed into a queen or something and saved him.

I really can't recall much more.

It was made sometime in the early '80s or possibly late '70s. I've checked the movie listings here but could not locate anything or totally missed it.

Anyone know what I'm trying to remember?

Thanks in advance!

    987 Posts
    16 years, 10 months ago
    Sea Prince and the Fire Child (81)
    (aka Shiriusu no densetsu)

    It's an anime Romeo and Juliet story of a couple who belong to two contrasting magical kingdoms. One kingdom of fire, the other of water.

    Prince Sirus's father is a god whose kingdom spans the seas. Princess Malta's from the kingdom of fire, where her mother reigns supreme. The young prince loves to explore the outer boundries of his realm. Prince Sirus and Princess Malta meet by chance and are quite attracted to one another. Their love grows despite the fact that their kingdoms have a deep distrust of each other. Since they know their parents will never approve of their love, they plan to run away together.

    Sea Prince and the Fire Child

    Sea Prince and the Fire Child
      nurpler's Avatar
      3 Posts
      16 years, 10 months ago
      That's it! Thanks so much!
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