I have a secret, I love New Age music. That is something I don't go around telling people, not that I care but I dont want people to see me rocking out to Enya (not that you can :P )
During the summer of 1997 I was 14 and was basically preparing myself for when my family and I moved in the Fall. So that summer was kind of surreal, enjoying the last few months of the only place I knew as home. I spent a lot of summer nights staying up late watching cable.
All summer long I kept seeing one of those "not sold in stores commercials" for a CD called Pure Moods, Pure Moods, a compilation CD with some of the best New Age music. I mean I must of saw the commercial at least 12 times a night on several different stations, I could not escape it. The commercial was hypnotic to say the least, the strange melodies and soothing sounds captivated me. It tapped into my mind like no other music has....or maybe it was the lack of sleep, I dont know.
My CD collection was music like Weezer and Green Day and here I am dying for a CD of music that makes me want to ride a Whale. Yet since it was only available to order over the phone and I was not about to ask my parents to order CD called Pure Moods I was pretty much boned.
Then towards the end of summer I was at Best Buy, I walked down a random CD aisle and out of the corner of my eye there it was, the Pure Moods CD, that damn CD that had been haunting me all Summer. Without a second thought I bought it, with much embarrassment but I did not care I finally had it. I listened to is constantly at night, laying in my bed with head phones on. I found it incredibly relaxing and would often fall asleep to the music.
I still have the CD and listen to it occasionally. A couple of months after we moved I was terribly home sick, but something that helped bring back good memories of my old house was laying in my bed like I used to listening to my Pure Moods CD, dreaming of all the good times I had in my old house.
.....ummm So anyway does anyone remember the commercial for the Pure Moods CD, and better yet do you have the CD?