Salluch's Avatar
29 Posts
16 years, 1 month ago
Does anyone remember HI-C Peach?

- I remember my mom buying those huge cans of it. It was soo good, do they still make it or is it gone forever? :roll:
    79987 Posts
    16 years, 1 month ago
    I remember that, I haven't had it in quite awhile. I'm not sure if they still make it.
      eddstarr88's Avatar
      6987 Posts
      16 years, 1 month ago
      Haven't thought about Hi-C in a long time. Since Hi-C was made by the Minute Maid division of The Coca-Cola Company, is it still being sold today?

      Here is a link to USASodaCollecting - Hi-C page:
      The Eldorado is dead. Long live the Eldorado.
        79987 Posts
        16 years, 1 month ago
        I think they should sell the peach flavored Hi-C again; it sounds so tasty. :D
          eddstarr88's Avatar
          6987 Posts
          16 years, 1 month ago
          Yeah, Peach does sound good! I gotta stop thinking about this, lol.

          The Eldorado is dead. Long live the Eldorado.
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