I could list a few of their slogans...
"Have you had your break today?..At McDonalds, at McDonalds" ..used in late 70's? to about 1982
"McDonalds and you!" 1982 -early 1985
"It's a good time for the great taste of McDonalds" most favorite fav slogan of them all ..used from 1985-1988
"Good time, breat taste of McDonalds"..shortened vers. of the prev. slogan used from 1988-1989
"Food Folks and Fun"..used from 1990- maybe 1991 or 92?
After that..I lost track. They had "McWorld" and "Do you believe in Magic" the early to mid 90's
They had "Put a Smile On" for awhile there, before their current slogan, "I'm Lovin It," which thankfully, they have stopped making awful songs about in their commercials. I can handle just seeing the slogan, but having someone rap or sing about it was just dumb. It worked in the '80s, because, well, let's face it, the '80s were just awesome.