sanguanet_vibrella's Avatar
16 years ago
A few years ago, I was at the Shriner's Temple with my Grandma for an antique show.

While looking around, I found a store display for Crush Muppet Soda, something I had never heard of in my life. I forget what I paid for it, but it now resides on top of my cabient.

Recently I've tried to search for something on it on google & even ebay, but with no avail.

If it had a store display than it must have existed right ?

By my estimate, the soda was probably produced sometime during the early to late eighties, it was produced by the makers of ORANGE CRUSH SODA & marketed as a healthier alternative to normal sodas like Coke, making it a competitor for Sunny Delight & Hi-C.

The Flavors were Kermit Lime, Gonzo Berry & Miss Piggy's Love Punch.

If anyone has any info on Muppet Soda, please post it here.
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