Somekidsonline's Avatar
1 year, 1 month ago
I've heard a lot of hate about the third movie and I want to know if people actually like it at all.
    MaxZorin1980's Avatar
    2 months ago
    I love it, one of my favorite 80s horror movies. These days it seems to be generally considered a misunderstood/underrated movie. Now people know what they're getting into when they watch it, they know about the failed anthology concept and that there's no Michael Myers in it, that if you want Michael Myers there are something like 13 movies that have him in it and most of them are awful anyway. When people go into it without that baggage they generally find it's an enjoyable sci-fi/horror film in the Invasion Of The Body Snatchers tradition. It's not a perfect movie or anything, it has problems but even the problems can be pretty entertaining.
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