132 Posts
18 years, 2 months ago
Okay, here is my official review.

First off, no more of those crappy, paper, red/blue 3D glasses. Instead you are given sturdy, seemingly clear glasses individually wrapped for your protection. Now if you already wear glasses, these things become slightly uncomfortable after awhile.

It's a shame they couldn't have established which previews would appear before the film and had those done up with this effect. That would have been cool. As it was, they provide a warning screen to alert you when to put on the glasses followed by an introduction scene in true 3D. And that was very cool.

The introduction scene (as well as the Disney castle logo ) show what can be done now with 3D technology. Unfortunately, it can't be applied to films not made that way. What you get with the film itself is a depth effect very much like what you see with a View Master. Now this is a very interesting effect. However, you do not have anything coming out of the screen at you. There are a number of scenes that would have been perfect for true 3D (such as when Jack stops Boogie's Boys from fighting).

Whether or not it's in 3D this is still a great film. But if you have the chance, you should definately see this version in the theater.
    TMNT's Avatar
    5203 Posts
    18 years, 2 months ago
    This moive is not in all theather dude it just select theathers only.
      132 Posts
      18 years, 2 months ago
      This moive is not in all theather dude it just select theathers only.

      Hence the phrase "if you have the chance...".
        classictimes's Avatar
        61 Posts
        18 years, 2 months ago
        I was wondering if The Nightmare Before Christmas 3-D was in 3-D for the whole movie in the select theaters it is in? I know some of the movies that come out that are 3-D like Superman Returns, The Ant Bully, and Monster House only had select scenes that were in 3-D. If anyone knows it'd be of help. Thanks.
          TMNT's Avatar
          5203 Posts
          18 years, 2 months ago
          I was wondering if The Nightmare Before Christmas 3-D was in 3-D for the whole movie in the select theaters it is in? I know some of the movies that come out that are 3-D like Superman Returns, The Ant Bully, and Monster House only had select scenes that were in 3-D. If anyone knows it'd be of help. Thanks.

          I never know Superman Return The Ant Bully or Monster House Was in 3-D at all that be so cool if Superman return was in 3-D
            252 Posts
            18 years, 2 months ago
            I was wondering if The Nightmare Before Christmas 3-D was in 3-D for the whole movie in the select theaters it is in? I know some of the movies that come out that are 3-D like Superman Returns, The Ant Bully, and Monster House only had select scenes that were in 3-D. If anyone knows it'd be of help. Thanks.

            I never know Superman Return The Ant Bully or Monster House Was in 3-D at all that be so cool if Superman return was in 3-D

            This movie is in 3D all through the movie. Superman Return was in selected scenes and The Ant Bully was the whole movie. Not sure for Monster House.
              79987 Posts
              18 years, 2 months ago
              It's mainly IMAX that does the 3D stuff. I know they did that for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire last year. Its a pretty cool trend at IMAX.
                93 Posts
                18 years, 2 months ago
                It's mainly IMAX that does the 3D stuff. I know they did that for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire last year. Its a pretty cool trend at IMAX

                actually Superman Returns was the first full length feature film to be shown in 3D at IMAX. Normally they have specially made movies for IMAX in 3D. Harry Potter and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were just shown at the IMAX 3D. Not in 3D.
                  79987 Posts
                  18 years, 2 months ago
                  actually Superman Returns was the first full length feature film to be shown in 3D at IMAX. Normally they have specially made movies for IMAX in 3D. Harry Potter and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were just shown at the IMAX 3D. Not in 3D.

                  Ah okay. I saw Batman Begins at the midnight premiere on the IMAX. I know they advertised some movie to be shown in 3D. Just thought it was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Its been over a year. heh Anyway, I wouldn't mind seeing Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D, but I doubt I'll get the chance.
                    musicradio77's Avatar
                    739 Posts
                    18 years, 2 months ago
                    Snowballman, thanks for the review of the 3D version of the "Nightmare Before Christmas". I've never seen the 3D version in theatres, but I've seen the original 2D version at the Lyceum Cinemas a long time ago. I have it on the original VHS tape.

                    The introduction scene (as well as the Disney castle logo ) show what can be done now with 3D technology. Unfortunately, it can't be applied to films not made that way. What you get with the film itself is a depth effect very much like what you see with a View Master. Now this is a very interesting effect. However, you do not have anything coming out of the screen at you. There are a number of scenes that would have been perfect for true 3D (such as when Jack stops Boogie's Boys from fighting).

                    I know you're talking about the new Walt Disney Pictures logo. The original 2D version had the old Touchstone Pictures logo, but the 3D version had the new Walt Disney Pictures logo, the same thing used in "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" (which will be coming out on DVD in December) and "Invincible" (which is not on DVD yet). Multispeedo has this same new logo used in "Nightmare Before Christmas" 3D version.


                    The original 2D version had the Touchstone old logo, but I checked it on YouTube and I don't have the original Touchstone Pictures logo. YouTube has the new Touchstone logo, that's the only one they have. I don't have the old logo with the original 2D version.
                      18 years, 2 months ago
                      I saw the movie last Friday. There was this one scene where a pumpkin or something of that similiar shape looks like it's flying toward you. My friend actually jumped a bit because it wasn't expected. I think the movie is worth seeing, but then again I've loved the movie since I was a kid.

                      Welcome to my castle.
                        kennerfan's Avatar
                        487 Posts
                        18 years, 2 months ago
                        another example of hollywood rehashing stuff...lame

                        no time for love doctor jones
                          TMNT's Avatar
                          5203 Posts
                          18 years, 2 months ago
                          Hey retro_junkieee I seen that new LOGO Before from a movie I don`t know where But I like the new disney logo but I better off for the old one.
                            kayvee's Avatar
                            3672 Posts
                            18 years, 2 months ago
                            hopefully I will get out of the house to see this 3-D version.
                              Iloveth80sfan911's Avatar
                              18 years, 2 months ago
                              Well, I am seeing it on Friday!
                              Narrator: Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality. But... there is, unseen by most, an underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit... a Darkside :twisted:
                                556 Posts
                                18 years, 2 months ago
                                I might go see it thursday with my girlfriend
                                  sewage's Avatar
                                  835 Posts
                                  18 years, 2 months ago
                                  My friend has seen this, she said it's awesome. She said you notice things that you can't notice in the original.
                                  ...not just the fact that it's in 3d -.-()
                                  I'm visiting friends and relatives in nyc on Friday so hopefully I'll be able to catch it then.
                                  Michaelangelo: Wise man say, "forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for a late pizza".
                                    musicradio77's Avatar
                                    739 Posts
                                    18 years, 2 months ago
                                    Hey retro_junkieee I seen that new LOGO Before from a movie I don`t know where But I like the new disney logo but I better off for the old one.

                                    As I said before, the original 2D version I have on the original VHS tape had the old Touchstone Pictures logo.
                                      TMNT's Avatar
                                      5203 Posts
                                      18 years, 2 months ago
                                      Hey retro_junkieee I seen that new LOGO Before from a movie I don`t know where But I like the new disney logo but I better off for the old one.

                                      As I said before, the original 2D version I have on the original VHS tape had the old Touchstone Pictures logo.

                                      Touchstone Picture logo I seen that before.
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