Freya's Avatar
153 Posts
18 years, 1 month ago
Who's a better character?
All shall fear me for I fight with the powers of Neptune..........
    rebornterra's Avatar
    238 Posts
    18 years, 1 month ago
    I can't decide between neptune and saturn

    they're both pretty cool in thier own ways

    btw you forgot to put saturn down on the poll
    rebornterra's Signature Image
    Here today gone tomarrow
      Freya's Avatar
      153 Posts
      18 years, 1 month ago
      Sorry about Saturn not on the poll. I put her on there........It must have deleted.......Hey! I love your avatar! Are you obssed with Sailor Moon like me?
      All shall fear me for I fight with the powers of Neptune..........
        rebornterra's Avatar
        238 Posts
        18 years, 1 month ago
        pretty much I have seen the whole series and my favorite season is sailor stars
        rebornterra's Signature Image
        Here today gone tomarrow
          Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
          2505 Posts
          18 years, 1 month ago
          Sailor Jupitar all the way

          Sailor Pluto is dead to me, kinnda like the former

          edit by mod: double-post, please use the button next time
            TMNT's Avatar
            5203 Posts
            18 years, 1 month ago
            I vote For Sailor Moon Because she pretty Cool on the show.
              79987 Posts
              18 years, 1 month ago
              Sailor Mars all the way.
                SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                4806 Posts
                18 years, 1 month ago
                Isn't this, yet again, nothing but a duplicate thread? You can discuss all this in your first Sailor Moon thread. That aside, I couldn't choose from that list anyway, as I have two favorite inners (Jupiter and V-chan/Venus), two favorite outers (Saturn and Neptune), two fav Asteroid Senshi (Palla-Palla and Jun-Jun), a fav Starlight (Yaten/Healer), and some fav Animamates (All of them, 'cept for probably that Sailor Tin Nyanko girl). Oh, and I mustn't forget just plain adorable senshi...Chibi-Chibi Moon.
                  Cyber_Bishop's Avatar
                  2440 Posts
                  18 years, 1 month ago
                  Freya this is your first warning, you made a thread about sailor moon the other day that was locked

                  because this thread already existed.


                  Now you made ANOTHER thread on Sailor Moon.

                  If one thread is locked DO NOT make another thread dealing with the same subject.

                  7. Do not make duplicate threads.
                  When you want to make a new thread, do a quick search using the 'search' button at the top of the page. When searching for any given term, make sure to click on 'search for all terms', or you will get pages of unrelated posts. If there is already a thread on that subject, post to it instead of making a new thread. If multiple threads on the same subject are discovered on the front page, the odds are that one of them will be locked. Remember, this forum has been here for years, chances are there's already an existing thread on the subject. If your post is locked please do not make duplicate threads of the same subject as it was locked for a reason.
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