Brick_Wall's Avatar
1435 Posts
18 years, 1 month ago
i just found out that my uncle died. its very sad. i had not met him, because my aunt had divorced him before i was born. but i have seen him in videos. and my aunt stayed close to him via phone. but my cousin (his son) had heard the news first. and then i my aunt found out. then my mom. and me. i did not know how to deal with this. so i thought i would post it. i didnt know him. but i knew about him. i guess it feels kinda like a celeberty dies. bad anoligy i know. and i knew he was sick (cancer). but i was not expecting this. at least, not so soon. he was 57.
    140 Posts
    18 years, 1 month ago
    I'm sorry to hear you have had a death in your extended family. In spite of the divorce, I'm sure this is a hard time for you all.
      mr-funky's Avatar
      1620 Posts
      18 years, 1 month ago
      wow that sucks...i kinda had a similar situation.

      I met my grandpa once and only once, and then the next thing you know he died but at least i finally got to see him...

      well, at least you have seen him maybe not in person but at least in a way you know him rather than not knowing him at all
        Shadow206's Avatar
        127 Posts
        18 years, 1 month ago
        wow. i do not do good with deaths. its very sad. im sorry. my heart goes out to you and your family and your cousin especialy
          Thylacine's Avatar
          1525 Posts
          18 years, 1 month ago
          Sorry to hear that. :cry:

          Cancer is a nasty disease, takes people away when they're way too young. I hope you and your family hold up well. Deaths are always hard, even if you barely knew the person.
          "Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
          -Rampage, Beast Wars

            CanadianWeirdAlFan's Avatar
            18 years, 1 month ago
            Sorry to hear about your loss Brick Wall :(

            I know how it feels to lose loved ones..sharing memories with your family might help you heal. Memories are a way of keeping loved ones alive in your heart.
              3931 Posts
              18 years, 1 month ago
              Yeah, there's an eerie awkwardness when someone dies that you weren't closely tied to. Don't feel guilty if you're not over come with grief, but yes, it is sad.
                Pudgietheparrot's Avatar
                18 years, 1 month ago
                I'm real sorry! :(
                "Ease on down, Ease on down the road
                come on, Ease on down, Ease on down the road
                don't you carry nothing that might be a load come on, Ease on down Ease on down, down the road"

                --The Wiz
                  Brick_Wall's Avatar
                  1435 Posts
                  18 years, 1 month ago
                  thank you all

                  Don't feel guilty if you're not over come with grief, but yes, it is sad.
                  and thank you taki, i did knida feel guilty, but now i feel better about it.
                    punky's Avatar
                    441 Posts
                    18 years, 1 month ago
                    My aunt passed away on Thanksgiving :(...BUT I had a party today for my grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary! That is amazing to me!!!
                      18 years, 1 month ago
                      Sorry to hear about that. it's never easy to loose a loved one, but atleast we know that he has gone to a better place.
                        adventure_of_link's Avatar
                        18 years, 1 month ago
                        And I will keep an eye on this thread

                        otherwise, BW, see PM
                          714 Posts
                          18 years, 1 month ago
                          I'm so sorry to hear about that. Cancer is such a horrid disease, we need a cure and we need one fast.

                            74 Posts
                            18 years, 1 month ago
                            I know how you feel my uncle die in my own house while I was at school
                              527 Posts
                              18 years, 1 month ago
                              Sorry for you loss, my best mate died back in march of bone cancer, so i kind of know how ya feel.
                              Take care.

                              IM NOT GERTS LOVE CHILD!!
                                Brick_Wall's Avatar
                                1435 Posts
                                18 years, 1 month ago
                                thank you. you all have been very kind, and it hurts me to read of all the loved one who passed in your life. i wish i just knew what happened after death.
                                  79987 Posts
                                  18 years, 1 month ago
                                  Hurt dosnt just come from the loss of a face to face relationship with someone. Just hearing a familiar name peppered throughout family conversations / seeing pictures over the years and all the sudden that someone passes away is all it takes for hurt to happen. Another familiar brick in the wall seems to be taken away. this makes things seem unstable and it seems to upset the foundation of what youve been use to.
                                  Don't worry... this stuff will pass. you wont completly forget your loss but, it won't be so wierd after a while. i'm sorry for your loss dude.. i hope both you and your family feel better soon.
                                    714 Posts
                                    18 years, 1 month ago
                                    I heard some great advice once:
                                    Why do we fall?
                                    So we can pick ourselves up.

                                      2623 Posts
                                      18 years, 1 month ago
                                      my grandfather once told me that good people die young because god needs their young strength and good spirit in his fight against satan.

                                      I don't mean to get religious but that really made a lot of sense to me.
                                      he told me this when my 16 year old cousin had a hemerage and his brain exploded while we were out shotting bows and arrows in the woods.

                                      my uncle called me on the phone during his heart attack and knowing I knew my uncle was in trouble but couldn't do anything really sucked.

                                      I come from a big family and I see people die at least once a year. I'd like to say you get used to it but you never really do.

                                      If saying anything more than sorry could help you feel better I would do it.
                                      just stay strong man.
                                        3931 Posts
                                        18 years, 1 month ago
                                        thank you all

                                        Don't feel guilty if you're not over come with grief, but yes, it is sad.
                                        and thank you taki, i did knida feel guilty, but now i feel better about it.

                                        I've been there, because the only people I've known who died were not very close to me. I was there the day my great grandma passed away, she died about 30 minutes after we left her house, but I didn't really know what to feel because I didn't spend much time around her and she wasn't very clear minded all my life.

                                        Also a teacher died a week after I met her, so I really didn't know what to feel then, she was a nice lady and very pretty.. and she killed herself. So.. yeah.. that was awkward.. I mostly felt bad for her students.
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