Caramel's Avatar
82 Posts
18 years ago
This shocked me to find out that there are people out there who dont have cell phones. i got one when untill i was 14. what about you?
    ek's Avatar
    426 Posts
    18 years ago
    Still dont have one. I really dont find it nessicery.
      Edymnion's Avatar
      2304 Posts
      18 years ago
      I've never owned one, and have no plans on getting one any time soon.
      I just don't see the point.

        Roadgeek's Avatar
        1016 Posts
        18 years ago
        I got mine at age 12 in 2002. I got a new one almost 2 weeks ago.
        Roadgeek: Proud Little Kid of the Mid '90s

        In Memory of Carolina Circle Mall
          SuperMarioBro-1989's Avatar
          18 years ago
          got mine when i was 15 years old and i hate it... DAmn Nextel!!
          Saving the world one FPS at a time!
            Sunriser's Avatar
            3802 Posts
            18 years ago
            I think I got one for my 18th birthday? That was right before I graduated. I definitely needed one for college to keep in touch with my family. I could never make outgoing calls on my room phone. I hope to get a new one soon, it's well past its contract.
              1064 Posts
              18 years ago
              I just got one this year, when I got my job.
              I'm 16.
                Nashida's Avatar
                228 Posts
                18 years ago
                I got one this year before I went to college, and actually as of last weekend it has been smushed. I tried to cross the street, nearly got hit, and it sacrificed itself to save my life.
                These aren't my rules. Come to think of it, I don't have any rules.

                  93 Posts
                  18 years ago
                  I got mine when I was about 20ish. I find it odd that people are getting them when they're not even out of high school yet. That just doesn't make sense to me to have one when you're 12 or 13.
                    1032 Posts
                    18 years ago
                    22yrs old
                      Sunriser's Avatar
                      3802 Posts
                      18 years ago
                      I got mine when I was about 20ish. I find it odd that people are getting them when they're not even out of high school yet. That just doesn't make sense to me to have one when you're 12 or 13.

                      I agree. It's scary. The only reason I'd consider it is to save money because I know I totally ran up the phone bill at that age. I can also understand parents wanting their teens who drive to have one for emergencies... But I always used pay phones and such when I needed a ride. Anyone who complains about that is a pansy.
                        1064 Posts
                        18 years ago
                        I got mine when I was about 20ish. I find it odd that people are getting them when they're not even out of high school yet. That just doesn't make sense to me to have one when you're 12 or 13.

                        I think it's even scarier when I see kids who are only like 7 or 8 with cell phones. And I see that happen all the time :shock:
                          Sunriser's Avatar
                          3802 Posts
                          18 years ago
                          I think it's even scarier when I see kids who are only like 7 or 8 with cell phones. And I see that happen all the time :shock:

                          Actually, my boyfriend works for Verizon, and just the other day he told me a woman came into the store to buy her 5 year old a phone. Not unheard of, but it wasn't one of those Disney-esque phones for emergencies. It was a hefty $300 phone. Apparently he taught her how to use hers so she got him his own. INSANE! :shock: It's important for the older generation to learn how to use technology, because at this rate, kids will be taking over.
                            punky's Avatar
                            441 Posts
                            18 years ago
                            I was 19 when I bought my 1st cell phone(I'm 24 now)...but I had a PAGER at 15 or 16! HaHa!
                              Roadgeek's Avatar
                              1016 Posts
                              18 years ago
                              My cell phone doesn't get much use. I don't have anyone to talk to. :(
                              Roadgeek: Proud Little Kid of the Mid '90s

                              In Memory of Carolina Circle Mall
                                adventure_of_link's Avatar
                                18 years ago
                                between 14 and 16

                                (I can't remember when)
                                  27 Posts
                                  18 years ago
                                  here I am at 25 and still don't have a cell phone.
                                  I am....concerned about the number of children that are given cell phones. I don't see a reason a person under the age of 16 should need a cell phone. Makes me wonder who these minors are calling so often they need a personal phone to do it on. Maybe I am just paranoid =P
                                    jadedoz's Avatar
                                    711 Posts
                                    18 years ago
                                    I think I was about 15 when I got my first mobile phone, it was such a brick.
                                      1954 Posts
                                      18 years ago
                                      must have been about 17/18! I do feel it IS useful to have one as you get older, although before 15 I dont see that you should be concerned about such things!
                                        1064 Posts
                                        18 years ago
                                        I think it's even scarier when I see kids who are only like 7 or 8 with cell phones. And I see that happen all the time :shock:

                                        Actually, my boyfriend works for Verizon, and just the other day he told me a woman came into the store to buy her 5 year old a phone. Not unheard of, but it wasn't one of those Disney-esque phones for emergencies. It was a hefty $300 phone. Apparently he taught her how to use hers so she got him his own. INSANE! :shock: It's important for the older generation to learn how to use technology, because at this rate, kids will be taking over.

                                        Insane is right.
                                        A five year old? That's just ........... wow.
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