kayvee's Avatar
3672 Posts
18 years ago
For me it would have to be Elton John's masterpiece "I'm still standing".
    Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
    2505 Posts
    18 years ago
    nick lechay whats left of me..or kelly clarkson.
      kayvee's Avatar
      3672 Posts
      18 years ago
      I like food
        thecrow174's Avatar
        9986 Posts
        18 years ago
        JoJo "Leave (Get Out)"

        Come have the time of YOUR life with me and the gang at Retro-daze.org.
          Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
          2505 Posts
          18 years ago
          our lady peace ill be waving my hand< or w/e its called, green day time of your life
            kayvee's Avatar
            3672 Posts
            18 years ago
            That&#8217;s a little dramatic wouldn&#8217;t you say. I am talking about songs that make you feel better. Songs that keep your dignity intact when you feel like a crispy fried turd. :)
              SharonTheJedi's Avatar
              317 Posts
              18 years ago
              Gosh, "I'M STILL STANDING" is a great one!! I LOVE ELTON JOHN to death, have since I was a pre teen in the 80's. The video was corny but it is a great "recovery" song.

              The first song that came to my mind was "WHAT IT TAKES" by Aerosmith. But then after reading your post about "inspirational" songs I decided that this song would be better...

              "FIGHTER" by Christina Aguilera.. I haven't had the experience of using it after a break up thankfully (married 10 years) but I could see it being used as such.. Not to mention it is great for anything that you are trying to overcome!!
                Old_Fart_ess_'s Avatar
                310 Posts
                18 years ago
                What about the timeless classic "Get F@#ked you F@#ken F@#kwit" by Frenzal Rhomb?.

                And as for Elton John? Gimme a break :roll:
                F@#kin classy.
                  hsmith98's Avatar
                  3097 Posts
                  18 years ago
                  I avoid those. After a break up I would not want to make myself sadder by listening to depressing break up songs.
                    passthehay's Avatar
                    223 Posts
                    18 years ago
                    pretty much any Kelly Clarkson song.
                    and "Fuck You Lucy" by Atmosphere.

                    Do I sound mad? Well I guess I'm a little pissed
                    Every action has a point, five points make a fist
                    You close 'em, you swing 'em, it's hurts when it hits
                    And the truth can be a bitch, but if the boot fits
                    I got an idea: You should get a tattoo that says "Warning"
                    That's all, just a warning, so the potential victim can take a left and save breath,
                    And avoid you, sober and upset in the morning
                    I wanna scream, "Fuck you Lucy!"
                    But the problem is I love you Lucy
                    So instead I'ma finish my drink and have another
                    While you think about how you used to be my lover

                    i LOVE atmosphere!!!
                      358 Posts
                      18 years ago
                      Poison----Every Rose Has It's Thorn

                      Chicago---Look Away

                      Are two good breakup songs.
                        Armed_Revolt's Avatar
                        636 Posts
                        18 years ago
                        I don't know if I listen to inspirational music, let alone in a break up situation. That tends to be more angry and loud than inspirational.

                        I guess I'll throw Hurt- NIN out there
                          402 Posts
                          18 years ago
                          I agree about Chicago's "Look Away"...good song from back in the day when America still made good music. And it perfectly describes how a breakup should go--the line "when we both agreed as lovers we were better off as friends"--too bad that doesn't seem to happen all that often with some people anymore. (I am on good terms with all of my exes for some reason...plus I've been single for almost four years now).

                          And as for regretting it, try ATB's "Let U Go" (either the 2001 or 2005 version, they have the same lyrics). I like to think of this song as not only a breakup, but also perhaps as a missed opportunity. I think back to April 4, 2005...a day I was going to ask a girl I liked to prom but never got around to it because I got held up in English class. I missed the deadline to ask someone as a result of this. I always think of what could have come from this--we had so much in common and were probably the only two people who thought the same in the school--but in the long run I realize we're probably better off as friends because I don't think either of us would ever want our friendship to end!

                          But anyway, that song is a suggesstion if you interpret it differently.
                            Mad-Mike's Avatar
                            539 Posts
                            18 years ago
                            The whole of the Iron Maiden Powerslave Album, and some wild rounds of on-line Diablo, that's how I blow those dumper or dumpee blues away.
                              anglslife's Avatar
                              992 Posts
                              18 years ago
                              I'm not sure if it would work but

                              Queen- The Show Must go on.
                              Dot: Don't look down. You might fall and hit your head and die and your brains would leak out alllllll over.


                                Daniel85's Avatar
                                1699 Posts
                                18 years ago
                                The Angels - Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again?

                                Bit of an Australian joke; whenever that song gets played at any kind of multiple person event, the line with the title in it is met with a cry of "No way, get fucked, fuck off!"

                                Yeah, we're a nation descended from convicts.
                                  kayvee's Avatar
                                  3672 Posts
                                  18 years ago
                                  What about the timeless classic "Get F@#ked you F@#ken F@#kwit" by Frenzal Rhomb?.

                                  And as for Elton John? Gimme a break :roll:

                                  whatever. your probably about as hardcore as a smurf.
                                    brown_eyed1's Avatar
                                    1948 Posts
                                    18 years ago
                                    Personally, I like "Before He Cheats" by Carrie Underwood. I don't know if you can call it a break-up song, but...yeah. (Lol, I'm actually listening to it right now!) It's funny, I like break-up songs, even though I've never actually *been* through a breakup....
                                    Cookie!!! OM NOM NOM!
                                      Sunriser's Avatar
                                      3802 Posts
                                      18 years ago
                                      I Will Survive

                                      I also find John Mayer strangely comforting. But stay away from James Blunt! :cry:
                                        SharonTheJedi's Avatar
                                        317 Posts
                                        18 years ago
                                        I also find John Mayer strangely comforting. But stay away from James Blunt! :cry:[/quote]

                                        I agree with you! John Mayer is quite comforting.
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