Haha, I feel old now. Shoot, I felt old as a teenager, even back then, there were kids that never heard of a record player, back in the days of Nirvana and Soundgarden! One of my first girlfriends was totally confounded what those vinyl platters were, lol. I think a lot of it is the push towards newer technology, and the fact that modern kids are more sophisticated and treated more like adults moreso than even when it was medevil times. I live in a world where people make daily schedules for their 4 year olds, someone I know does.
Gummi Bears, I love those, they're still around, it just seems being a kid is no longer time for being a kid anymore with all the dentists telling your kids it's bad to eat candy cause it'll rot their teeth, leading the overly controlling parents to not even introduce them to the gummi bears, much less any other candy. I remember when I was a kid, we did not have this issue. The Dentists said "feel free to eat sweets, just take care of your darned teeth". So there goes your candy.
Anyway, as for cartoons, they will be remembered, just not by as many people, society is running faster than it ever has as far as things and fads coming and going, they go so fast now it's almost impossible to list anything past the late 80's, because it seems nothing has enough time to burn itself into the public's psyche anymore, so just a few involved will remember it. On top of that, the Internet seems to be somewhat replacing the television set in a lot of ways. I think our internet will become our television before too long.
The only reason I happen to remember a LOT of trivial, rare, and small cartoons that came out in the 80's, is because I'm weird, and like all the stuff other people thought was kinda on the lower-end of cartooning, like the Power Team with kid video, or Wowser (Dommell in it's naitive country of the Netherlands).