88mphGoonie's Avatar
181 Posts
17 years, 6 months ago

I searched my real name on google and found out that I am...

1. A website designer for the Washington Post
2. A scientist who explores the DNA of harvest mice.
3. The creator of "Candorville" ?
4. A sports journalist
5. An architect in Salt Lake City, UT in the year 1909
6. A hopeless romantic on a dating website...wowwy!
7. A username on ADVrider.com
8. A publisher
9. A doctor
So, you see, we are not so alone in this world after all...
"Goonies Never Say Die!"
    95 Posts
    17 years, 6 months ago
    done that before
      Edymnion's Avatar
      2304 Posts
      17 years, 6 months ago
      I would avoid this sort of post, if I were you. Nothing mod-related, just a bit of common sense advice.
      Typically because giving your real name out on the internet is not a good idea, and while most of those were generic enough to be anybody, the Candorville one was enough for me to quickly discover what your real name is (and no, I'm not putting it up here for the same privacy/security reasons I'm talking about).

        88mphGoonie's Avatar
        181 Posts
        17 years, 6 months ago
        I would avoid this sort of post, if I were you. Nothing mod-related, just a bit of common sense advice.
        Typically because giving your real name out on the internet is not a good idea, and while most of those were generic enough to be anybody, the Candorville one was enough for me to quickly discover what your real name is (and no, I'm not putting it up here for the same privacy/security reasons I'm talking about).

        Sorry. It will never happen again. Please shut down this thread for me if you don't mind. I appreciate it.

        I noticed that you were from Chattanooga, TN. I live close to you in DeKalb County, Alabama. I live close to Fort Payne, AL.
        "Goonies Never Say Die!"
          Ilikethepixies's Avatar
          5870 Posts
          17 years, 6 months ago
          Might as well just throw out your social security number while you're at it.
            tha_raw_seven's Avatar
            842 Posts
            17 years, 6 months ago
            does your name start with a D?....
              adventure_of_link's Avatar
              17 years, 6 months ago
              Please shut down this thread for me if you don't mind. I appreciate it.

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