The_Batman's Avatar
876 Posts
17 years, 4 months ago
hey guys i gotta present a poem in class 2day and i was wondering if i could run it by you guys, and get some feedback real quick. thanks for all critizim

“The Words that Haunt Me”

The empty space, waiting to be filled
By the emotions and pain, deep down inside that I feel.
Thoughts of love, lust, loneliness, and rage.
All the things I am feeling inside, but cant seem to put on the page.

I know what I want to say, I just can’t express it.
How can I put what I feel, in a sophisticated way were people still get the message?
I’ve a lot on my mind, but do I dare?
Express what I feel, and will my audience really care?

These words, they haunt me, like a ghost in an old abandoned house.
In my head, I know what I wish to say, but just can’t get it out.
Ahhh! Dam the person, who put this task before me!
Don’t they realize how much I hate writing poetry?!
"Keep the change you filthy animal..."
    Ilikethepixies's Avatar
    5870 Posts
    17 years, 4 months ago
    A creative writing teacher once told me once, don't TELL people, SHOW people.

    When you use words like "pain", "lust", "rage", it gets boring.

    Better to paint a picture or scenario with your words rather than tell them how you feel.
      The_Batman's Avatar
      876 Posts
      17 years, 4 months ago
      The empty space, waiting to be filled
      By the emotions and thought, deep down inside that I feel.
      Sitting in an empty room, conjuring up my thoughts fill me with rage.
      All things I am feeling inside, but can’t seem to put on the page.

      is that a lil bit better

      The empty space, waiting to be filled
      By the emotions and thoughts, deep down inside that I feel.
      Sitting in an empty room, conjuring up my thoughts fill me with rage.
      All things I am feeling inside, but can’t seem to put on the page.

      I know what I want to say, I just can’t express it.
      How can I put what I feel, in a sophisticated way were people still get the message?
      I’ve a lot on my mind, but do I dare?
      Express what I feel, and will the audience care?

      These words, they haunt me, like a ghost in an old abandoned house.
      In my head, I know what I wish to say, but just can’t get it out.
      Ahhh! Dam the person, who put this task before me!
      If there’s anything I hate, its writing poetry!

      To me, creating a poem is as easy as conquering Everest itself.
      Pre-drafts, and reading for inspiration, are of no help.
      This proves to be a task most difficult no matter what I try.
      Creating poetry is pure Hell, and I would much rather die.
      "Keep the change you filthy animal..."
        Ilikethepixies's Avatar
        5870 Posts
        17 years, 4 months ago
        Um, what level are you writing for? Middle, high, or college?
          The_Batman's Avatar
          876 Posts
          17 years, 4 months ago
          Um, what level are you writing for? Middle, high, or college?

          college. creative writing
          "Keep the change you filthy animal..."
            Ilikethepixies's Avatar
            5870 Posts
            17 years, 4 months ago
            I'd focus more on describing what the paper or computer screen looks like...

            "The pale, blank pulsating screen, humming quietly. Almost a vacuum of ideas."

            Maybe stuff like that.

            Oh, and "haunt me like a ghost in an old abandoned house".... lame.

            Haha, I'm being honest.

            Maybe "haunt me like past failures and stale lunchroom tater tots"

            just something that people can relate to and isn't the first thing that you'd think of when you think "OK, what could haunt me? Oh I know, ghosts!"

            Everyone's thought of ghosts... you gotta find a more personal way to pound home how much you hate poetry.

            I like your second stanza.

            I think if you just opened up and wrote what you really felt and no what you think you should write, you'd: A- enjoy it more, and B- produce a better product.
              The_Batman's Avatar
              876 Posts
              17 years, 4 months ago

              I stare at the blank page, and it stares back at me.
              A headache forms in my skull from creating this awful poetry.
              I’ve turn to all the people I could, to help me conquer this beast.
              But poetry will always hand my ass defeat.

              Dam this art form, dam all poetry to hell!
              Bitter thoughts form in my head from thinking about this task I won’t excel.
              I’ve tried, and given this blank page a hell of a fight.
              But in the end there seems to be nothing I am able to write.

              I like your second stanza.

              I think if you just opened up and wrote what you really felt and no what you think you should write, you'd: A- enjoy it more, and B- produce a better product.

              thing is i really do get fustrated with poetry, im not one of these in depth people that twist words in fancy ways, i get it write out there, plain and simple so everyone can understand it.
              "Keep the change you filthy animal..."
                Ilikethepixies's Avatar
                5870 Posts
                17 years, 4 months ago
                I'd say the poem is a 100% better now than it was in its first incarnation.

                I "feel" it a lot more now. I don't think that poetry has to be about twisting words around or anything. I think it can be blunt, to the point... even plain ugly... as long as its done in an original, honest way.

                I really do think the poem is much better.
                  The_Batman's Avatar
                  876 Posts
                  17 years, 4 months ago
                  thanks man, just hope the class agrees with you
                  "Keep the change you filthy animal..."
                    adventure_of_link's Avatar
                    17 years, 4 months ago
                    you two really need to learn how to use the edit button..
                      COOLHAND's Avatar
                      2938 Posts
                      17 years, 4 months ago
                      just so you know, poems dont have to rhyme to be good
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