That's kind of a generalization though. I like some new stuff and I'm 27. And I know kids who like 80s stuff.
Have you ever heard of "Moratorium people"? I think that a US sociologist came up with the term in the 1950s but it was taken further by Japanese sociologist Okonogi Keigo. Okonogi argued that the "Moratorium People" are those that find comfort in cultural products such as comic books and cartoons from their childhoods and have refused to grow up. He also believes that these people have "rejected the social obligation to play a designated adult role in society".
I wouldn't go that far. I personally play an "adult role in society" by going to work...Even if it is so I can purchase more retro stuff. :D
I'm that way too. And what band is that on your avatar? (The punk-rock anti-president shirt looks very familiar. Did they promote it? I'm not being political either.)
you guys don't get what i mean, i don't mean new stuff like ipod nanos, or windows vista, or psp's. what i mean is the stuff on tv. i'm going re-edit my last post.
That answer is very obvious. The reason why we like the retro stuff is because we grew up these retro shows. We always used to watch these shows everyday and we loved them. The reason why kids of today like the new stuff is because they're growing up with these shows. In about 10 years when these kids of today join retro junk (if it's still around), they'll probably say: "Bring back El Tigre that was such an awesome show" or "I miss Out of Jimmy's Head that show rocked. I'd probably say to them "Dude, you missed out a lot during the 90s." That's why you people keep making these video tributes to the 90s.
There are plenty of kids out there who like older stuff. How else do you explain tribute video to movies like "Scarface", "Back To The Future" and "Beaches" that can be found on YouTube?
Coming from the same tack, there are many people who grew up with retro who also enjoy the culture of today as well. I never thought I would be one of them, but after listening to the AC station I enjoy and watching a lot of VH1, I enjoy this decade almost as much as the 80s and far more than the 90s.
I like both retro stuff and current stuff. I always keep an open mind towards the new stuff and I always give something a chance before I say it sucks.
MrClevelandI'm that way too. And what band is that on your avatar? (The punk-rock anti-president shirt looks very familiar. Did they promote it? I'm not being political either.)
They are NOFX, they kick ass. Yes, they are promoting that shirt. They still have them on sale online.
Caps_20There are plenty of kids out there who like older stuff. How else do you explain tribute video to movies like "Scarface", "Back To The Future" and "Beaches" that can be found on YouTube?
Coming from the same tack, there are many people who grew up with retro who also enjoy the culture of today as well. I never thought I would be one of them, but after listening to the AC station I enjoy and watching a lot of VH1, I enjoy this decade almost as much as the 80s and far more than the 90s.
Because people in this site's age range are making those tribute videos. I've never seen a 14 year old do a retro homage unless it's something like The Clash, or something trendy like that. Maybe you're just assuming that youtube is all young people.